


Just pot

Cali connection Girl Scout cookies


Day 161 (Week 23)

40 updates

97 photos

Day: 161

Now we just cure for a month

4 years ago

Day: 151

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

4 years ago

Day: 150

I shortened light to 11 hrs for a couple of days, now, I’m gonna give them up to 2 days of darkness before I harvest them.

4 years ago

Day: 140

Just waiting for harvest it soon but not yet

5 years ago

Day: 132

Getting close to the end

5 years ago


Guitarist In order to harvest... I need this tent to dry and cure, but the left plant is a week or two behind in flowering. I won’t screw up like this again. I will probably have premature and over ripe bud as a result. That actually might be interesting... 1 type of bud with two different effects. I could deal with that.

Day: 126


approaching harvest real soon!

5 years ago


Guitarist Plant on the right is a little bit more mature than plant on left. The plant on left had a hard slow start and I didn’t think she would make it, but... she’s here and happy now!

Day: 124

moab today. plant on right is ripening amd plant in left is a week or two behind it.

5 years ago


Guitarist please note co2 generator is eorking because of heat in socal right now.

Day: 122


hot day today, i will install home made co2 generator to accommodate!

5 years ago

Day: 120

moved to bigger tent

5 years ago


Guitarist At this point, I think I’m 4 weeks into flower

Day: 116


worm tea and trimmed off larf

5 years ago

Day: 110


Trying something new today.

5 years ago

Day: 108


Just watered the girls up, the temperature is a nice 77.4° in the tent today. Flowering seems to be the objective

5 years ago

Day: 104


Flower Power

5 years ago


Guitarist .... Army training sir!

Day: 99

She switch to flower when I dropped her to 12 1/2 hours of light, I guess it’s flour time!

5 years ago


Guitarist I have adjusted to a final of 12/12. After my other flower tent harvests, I will switch these girls to a bigger tent and grow these bitches to their end!

Day: 94

Going to switch to flower very soon

5 years ago

Day: 85

topped, fimmed, and light upgrade

5 years ago

Day: 80

Worm tea for breakfast Yum Yum

5 years ago

Day: 79

Now these two girls have the Growtent all to themselves.

5 years ago

Day: 76


I repotted these yesterday!

5 years ago

Carreography What sort of trimming / topping / training have you done to this grow ??


Guitarist Just LST training. No topping, fim, etc... I maybe losing a great deal of bud by not topping etc... My next round will be auto instead of photoperiod.

Day: 73

They got fertilizer last night

5 years ago

Day: 67

So I got a bug problem, little flyers I can’t seem to get rid of them so I poison them with an organic, peppermint oil various other things all organic. I hit the entire tent I cleaned it completely.

5 years ago


Guitarist I will reapply in a day or two and more if necessary.

Day: 63


4ml to 1 gallon water. each plant drank almost 1/2 gallon.

5 years ago


Guitarist Noticed one of the pictures has leaves with dried out cracking etc. well I goofed I turned on more light and I burnt this plan and a couple others. Just a reminder raise your lights if you increase the brightness.

Day: 63

Another happy day in the Grol tent. I might add these plans are quarantined. Well not really quarantined, but Kinda

5 years ago

Day: 61


Gave them a drink of molasses water Yum Yum

5 years ago

Day: 60

I increased the lighting Yesterday, I also had to raise them a little bit because I noticed a couple leaves cracking and drying

5 years ago

Day: 56

The girls got water two nights ago, I will give them water tonight before bed.

5 years ago

Day: 53

Around 4-6 cups of water last night until she Peed

5 years ago


Guitarist little sister dont you cry!

DShelt You still in Veg? I got a 86W lamp efiet electric at Lowe’s that made my vegetation explode!


Guitarist Yes, I’m pacing them right now. I want to harvest at a particular time.

Day: 51


she’s spreading out

5 years ago


Guitarist 3 gallon pots


Guitarist Roots organic soil

Day: 47

worm tea’d

5 years ago

Day: 45

Just an evening photo of my girl

5 years ago

Day: 41

She got some water in until she pee’d

5 years ago

Day: 38

First 24 hours in the tent

5 years ago

Day: 37


5 years ago

Day: 27

update pic

5 years ago

Day: 22

No comment

5 years ago

Day: 20

happy as can be

5 years ago

Day: 19

update, post worm tea

5 years ago

Day: 16

I’m going away for a few days so I swamped this

5 years ago

Day: 12


5 years ago

Day: 0

Just dropped in the water at 2:40 PM

5 years ago


Guitarist I’m gonna say flower start day on day 90. 63-70 days of flower. Can’t wait!


Guitarist Predicted harvest date of July 3. That’s a soft ball park, +- a few days I’m sure!