Tropicanna Poison F1
Sweet seeds - winter 2024
Nutrition: Hydrosol, Lights: MH Fc-e3000, MH Tsl-3000, AutoPot system
Tropicanna Poison - 60:40 sativa:indica hybrid
Day 35 (Week 5)
3 updates
38 photos
Day: 35

Getting there, I get the feeling it’s slightly more than 35 days into a 60-65 day flowering time but whatever. It won’t be by much. I’m hoping maybe some colour may come on over the next week or two but we’ll see about that 1. Think maybe it stretched a little hard but can’t tell that until the end really. I think I f’d up the nute timings on this grow coz they were / are all in different stages of growth and it’s too hard to keep track of it all when your detoxing from benzos!
a year ago
Day: 31

We are getting there, just over the half way mark as it’s a 60 day flowerer. Boom.
a year ago
rabidrejectgrows It’s sort of getting time to think about germing the next round of seeds. Seeing as I really like the potential of the Frosted Guava and the whole of the ‘original sensible seeds’ lineup. I’m looking at their Bruce Banner #3 as well as others…I’d LOVE to grow godfather OG but I can’t find a breeder I trust that sells it. If anyone knows of any breeders selling photo’s (preferably fast flowering - either by crossing with autos or just because they grow quick) please let me know so I can put in an order as it’s going to take a while for them to come and then it takes times to germ and then for them to pop etc - I’ll probably just start them under 12/12, then when they are too big to be in there (week 2-3) I’ll move them into the tent in my room I live in. I do try to avoid that because of the extraction fan as well as the fact it’s tiny in there! Needs must tho!
Day: 29

Day 29 of flower - I didn’t count the 8 weeks of veg
a year ago