

Cookies & SourD auto/ Dinafem

Early Fall indoor auto grow

Seed directly into soil. Watered with PH6.56. Leaving lights on until it sprouts, the. Switch to 18hrs on. I placed domes to contain moisture. Coco temp was 30C and humidity at top of tent was 68%. I added 6 Tbsp of calcium (fine grinds egg shells) with 6 big scoops of the small garden shovel (not sure exact measurement. Followed by 4-4-4 and 2-8-4, perlite.

Cookies Auto & Sour diesel Auto

Day 98 (Week 14)

59 updates

158 photos

Day: 98


Harvested the sour D and did a bit of wet trim. Left much of the smaller leaves to slow down drying and tent is reading 20 C and 50% Rh after 45 mins after hanging. Put a small fan on the floor on low to circulate air. Will re-evaluate if a humidifier is needed. Also sanitized the whole grow room before hanging

4 years ago

Day: 92

Watered with little run off/removed. 5.70PH. Lowered lights to 19” . Much more trichs are cloudy today.

4 years ago

Day: 91

Been watering every day with slight runoff and ph to 6.05. Lowered lights a couple inches since cookies is out of the way and checked trichs yesterday and it’s starting to get cloudy

4 years ago


mku7tr4 Damn looking good!


frostykief Thank you but it’s been a very rough grow. This is supposed to be 65day strain and it’s been so stressed from going organic and having to switch to synthetic I’m surprised it’s survived and putting out nice decent nugs. It’s my first indoor grow. Thx for the support


mku7tr4 Yeah after reading that this is quite impressive. I’ll be following to see how she ends!

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Day: 87

After 3 days plain ph’d water. Gave 5ml calmag, micro and bloom with 1.5ml gro. Going to chop cookies as it’s not worth it anymore.

4 years ago

Day: 84


2nd day of just water. 6.05 PH. No run-off on cookies. Kinda expected. Sour D had little and removed. Checked trichomes and still clear and some cloudy.

4 years ago

Day: 83


Watered with plain water at 6.05. 1gal each. 8% run off and removed.

4 years ago

Day: 81

Watered at 6.08 with 5ml cal-mag/micro/bloom no gro. Sucked out excess water.

4 years ago

Day: 78


Watered 6.0 and upped the nutes to 4ml per gal on all except for gro which will only be at 2ml . Sour D looks to have bounced back and is getting sticky!

4 years ago

sr.sleazily Did you find any other gnats? Or did the sticky tapes solve the issue

Day: 76

Watered 6.07. Girls are doing good. Gave 3.5ml cal mag, 3.5ml micro, 1.5ml gro, 3.5ml bloom

4 years ago

Day: 74

Plants don’t seem “more upset” they look a little livelier but serious damage was done. Upped the nuts by .50ml

4 years ago


malkiaver Good job

Day: 73


After 3 days of watering 1 gal each of 2.5ml cal mag, 2.5ml micro, 1 gro, 2.5ml bloom and ph’Ed to 6.0 it’s not doing too bad and getting about 10-20 % waste and sucking out with shop vac. Sour D is bulking and cookies is back into flower

4 years ago

Day: 71

Flushed 5 gals through both. Switch from organics to synthetic. Using 2.5ml cal-mag 2.5 micro 1 gro 2.5 bloom and ph to 5.95.

4 years ago

Day: 69

Still deficiency. Watered with 6.50 PH and added 3 Tbsp kelp, 1 Tbsp rock phosphate and 1tbsp 4-4-4 mixed directly in water and not air stone to de-chlorinate

4 years ago

Day: 67

This update is for day 66. Had no time. Watered 2.5 Galling with 3 Tbsp molasses at 6.30 I think I stopped the diesel from getting worse now. Plucked a bunch of dead leaves from both. More from cookies

4 years ago

Day: 63

More deficiency with sour D . Cookies looking better I think. Watered with 6.6 PH and light watering for sour D

4 years ago

Day: 61


Top dressed sour D with only 3 Tbsp of 2-8-4 since the flush probably washed away most nutrients Watered with 2 L of 6.45 PH Expecting a bit of drooping since I watered yesterday and it was still wet

4 years ago

Day: 60


Noticing a deficiency in sour D. Nothing seems to work with the cookies so I’m lost and trying anything right now. Earlier this morning I foliar sprayed with lights off with 2 teaspoons kelp meal in 1L of water but didn’t use much. Boiled half a frozen banana in 1 3/4 cups of water and it’s PH balanced itself 6.25 in 1.15L of water. Gave that to both plants. I split it 50/50 between sour D and cookies Lastly I had to add a bit more water to the pots cuz it wasn’t enough. So ph’d it to 6.46 gave them another 2L approx each with minimal run-off

4 years ago

Day: 58


Re-ajusted LST for more light penetration and airflow. Hard to tell if it’s doing better or worse. Also moved a fan from below to up top in the tent.

4 years ago


FrostyKief It’s definitely getting more yellow. Ugh idk what’s going on, flushes it, foliar sprayed with compost tea, only gave 6.0 PH water, used cal-mag 3 times, re-amended the soil. This ones a PITA

Day: 57


Watered with cal-mag 5.86 PH. Leaves on cookies are more yellow

4 years ago

Day: 55


Cookies looks a bit more yellow. Decided to top dress with 1 Tbsp/gallon (3) of only 2-8-4. Perhaps the flush rinsed out the fertilizer. Watered with leftover compost tea at 5.95 PH . Stripped about 20 leaves that were yellowing and or became in the way

4 years ago

Day: 53


Watered with compost tea until 10% runoff. Cookies is really droopy from the flush and sour D is super resilient.

4 years ago

Day: 51


Foliar sprayed with compost tea while lights off. Ajusted a few LST cookies looks to be coming back into range

4 years ago

Day: 50

Hard to say if it’s doing better. Sour D leaves are not as clawed as yesterday and cookies leaves are minimally better. Brought them up in the tub and ran 5 gallon bucket ph water to 6.0 and added cal-mag. PH run off was 6.87(cookies) and 7.19 sour D.... Started a compost tea. And I’ll foliar spray to bypass the lock-out.

4 years ago

ironmannichi You have done an amazing job to bring back the nitrogen deficiency back in such a small period of time!! Very impressive grow!!

Day: 49

Plants are not doing well. Watered with 15/20% run off to rinse the medium out. I can ph the water going in at 6.08 and measured run off of cookies at 6.89 and sour d 7.10. Water had 38ML of cal-mag and 2tbsp molasses in 5gl bucket. Used all of it.

4 years ago

Day: 46


Pots dried out properly. Went to hydro store and picked up cal-mag and I noticed the plant progressing worse. Used the new premium PH meter. Calibrated and mixed in cal-mag at 6.08 PH. Used about 5 L of water between both plants cookies got more due to its stage. Cookies wasn’t as droopy and diesel showing early signs of deficiency

4 years ago


FrostyKief Used 2ML per litre of cal-mag

Day: 45


No watering today, pots still a bit damp. Will wait til tmr for another heavy watering as cookies is showing signs of calcium deficiency. Will pick up cal-mag from hydro store tomorrow Temps still in range

4 years ago

Day: 44


Well the cookies is not doing much worse after the 1 flush. Sour D is really taking off with flower. Fabric both still retaining lots of water from yesterday heavy watering. Have 2 fans circulating air Temps is 25.5C and humidity a bit higher cuz of heavy watering at 60% Adjusted both LST slightly.

4 years ago

Day: 43

Deficiency appears to be progressing on cookies. Decided to calibrate the PH pen again and watered 6.0 with run off. Cookies showed 7.00 and sour D 7.20. Will give the norm 2-3 days to dry out and keep watering at exactly 6.0. Temps are 24.6 and 52%

4 years ago

Day: 42


Temps 24.4 53% humidity. Found a possible nat in my sticky traps up high. I had removed them when I top fed. So I placed fresh ones down. Noticing the cookies is very slow to produce any growth. I also see a deficiency but not sure what it is.i also gave a light water as pots felt dry. 1L each.

4 years ago

Day: 41


Re-ajusted a few tie downs. Everything looks good

4 years ago

Day: 40


Made a few changes today. Decided to top dress sour D with 50/50 2-8-4 & 4-4-4 @1tbsp Each per gal (3) . ***added another 3tbsp of just 4-4-4 to cookies. Watered a bit again just to get top dressing to root zone at PH 6.3 Re-ajusted all LST. Cookies left and sour D right. Sour D is coming along nicely

4 years ago


FrostyKief Temps after I just opened the tent was reading 25.6 and 50%. Perfect.


FrostyKief Sour D is further into flower than cookies IMO

Day: 38


Plants doing good. 25.5C and 50% humidity. No water

4 years ago


FrostyKief 3 rd pic is sour d

Day: 37


Sour D appears more advanced with pre-flowers. Did more LST to spread the cookies apart since it’s so bushy and used tray. Did the same with sour D. Opened up a vent at the bottom of tent for more airflow and turned up the ventilation. Temps 26.3 and 50%.

4 years ago

Day: 36

**Didn’t have time to snap a picture before leaving for work so it will be a picture of yesterday just for the sake of update.** I did top dress on ONLY cookies with 3 Tbsp 2-8-4 and 1tbsp 4-4-4 and 12 Tbsp worm castings and watered both plants with 6.04 PH (added 2 Tbsp black strap molasses) in the 4L ph water. Hopefully it can stretch more as it’s still really bushy and squat Temps are 26.6C and 50% humidity

4 years ago

Day: 35

Ajusted LST. Removed about 10 leaves that were blocking light and or were touching the medium. Temps are a bit warmer, 26.6 and 52% humidity. And sour D is showing faster pre-flower development

4 years ago

Day: 34


Gave a light watering with leftover compost tea that was already PH to 6.5 Also noticed a small “fruit fly” type bug on my one sticky trap so I cut a bunch of small squares and put them on top of medium. Added a few strips on the side of the pot (not sure if it will work) and a couple on the base of the drop tray.

4 years ago


FrostyKief I also raised LED to 24” from top of cookies and 26.5” for sour D. Noticed it might of been getting a bit light stressed with a few burned tips

Day: 32

Forgot to update for last night (Day 31). Heavy watering with compost tea at 6.56 PH and humidity is 50%. Today I was able to replace and properly LST both plant. Used about 20 clips on the side of the pot and really tried to stretch the plants away from each other and expose those flower sites. Cookies is really bushy still but I really feel really good about the placements of the LST. No water obviously and temps were 25C and 60%humidity

4 years ago

Day: 30

Cookies is really bushy even after LST. Started earlier on the sour D to LST and both are doing well. Temps are 24.5C and 54% humidity. No water today, soil is still moist in both.

4 years ago

Day: 28

Not running humidifier anymore as I’m worried about pests or fungus knats. Gave a good watering of compost tea. And did some severe LST on cookies. Temps at 24.1/25 C and 58-60% humidity

4 years ago

Day: 27

No water. Temps at 25C and 60% humidity. Re-ajusted LST since top plant pulled up itself up straight

4 years ago

Day: 26


Watered with PH 5.95 did some amateur LST. This plant is so bushy with tight node spacing. Couldn’t really “pull” down long stems since they’re short and stocky. Did the best I could, we’ll see how it handles. Sour D is taking off nicely .

4 years ago

Day: 24


No watering needed. Peeled the sides of the fabric pot to get a bit more air flow (should have filled them to the top)

4 years ago

Day: 23

Gave another big watering with same ph as last time temps at 25C and 70% humidity

4 years ago

Day: 22


Both plants seemed to have enjoyed that heavy watering. They’re both reaching for the light and soil is still decently damp from yesterday’s watering.

4 years ago

tlove2582 Nice!!!

Day: 21

Gave the plant another big watering 6.41 and bumped up the humidity to 70% to reach optimum On VPD chart. Big plant was a bit wilted but within a few minutes of water it perked back up

4 years ago

Day: 19


Gave another big watering of same mixture of PH. Temps are 25C and 52%rh

4 years ago

Trampo Nice texture, looks great!

Day: 17

Gave a big watering 6.42PH de-chlorinated;to help roots push through moist soil. Turned off humidifier to help dry up water in trays

4 years ago

Day: 16

Good not ici le growth. Temps are 25.1 and 62% . Will do a good watering tomorrow. Also noticed a bit of nice smell coming from cookies

4 years ago

Day: 15

Watered both at 6.41PH

4 years ago

Day: 14

Rh @ 45% Humidifier ran out of water. Refilled. All good now. Not much growth. Temps at 24.3 C

4 years ago

Day: 13

Watered at 6.46 . Temps good.

4 years ago

Day: 12

No watering. Plants look good

4 years ago

Day: 11

Watered the cookie. Temps were 24C and 60%rh. Not much growth from seedling but didn’t water as soil was still moist.

4 years ago

Day: 10

Cookies just exploded with growth. Sour D just came out of the soil. Watered again just a bit. Looked at temps while lights off and it’s around 20.5C and lights on 25 with RH 60%.

4 years ago

Day: 9

Watered the cookies plant and germinated seed with 6.61 PH. Temps stable at 25 and 60%rh

4 years ago

Day: 6

Plant looks healthy with tent @ 25C/60%RH. Watered at 6.38PH. Leaf temps are 21.6C VPD is 0.68 and in range. The other seed sank to the bottom of water glass. Now placed in dark room in wet paper towels to germinate for planting.

4 years ago

Day: 4

Started 18-6 light cycle starting from 1pm to 7am. Sour D still hasn’t germinated yet. Debating starting a new one soon if it dosent come through. Temps are consistent 25C and about 60% humidity.

4 years ago


FrostyKief Also ajusted the height of the light to 30 in from 24. Just appears the new seedling it weeping more than it should considering temps, humidity, VPD and watering are good

Day: 3

Kept filling humidifier. Removed domes after 12 hrs as they didn’t have air flow. Soil is still damp after day 2 of watering. Temps are 76F and 74. % humidity. I like this because I found after the first day it dried out the soil, hence the second watering. Plus germination requires higher humidity and temperature are perfect Update** 7pm checked and cookies auto has germinated. Dusted the top layer of sour D. No signs yet

4 years ago

Day: 0

I added domes and watered to 6.56. Placed humidifier to increase humidity to 68% and temps are 30C. Might need to adjust

4 years ago