Canuck Cookies
Small six week veg challenge
Photoperiod Fem
Day 93 (Week 14)
6 updates
8 photos
Day: 87

4 years ago
$outhside412 Just curious but have you used that light in any past grows? I am using LEDs as well and get a bunch of shit about them being terrible. I totally disagree.
Marijuana_Mike1987 Yes I’m sponsored by BESTVA led through my YouTube it has done wonders 1200w cob reflector
Day: 77

Growing nicely
4 years ago
Day: 74

About a month left
4 years ago
Day: 73

Blurple magic
4 years ago
Day: 72

Forced flower at 30 days from seed as a challenge
4 years ago
ghostnuggies Nice! Is this from Canuk seeds?
Marijuana_Mike1987 I believe so it came in a three pack from Canuck
Marijuana_Mike1987 Yes it’s confirmed
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