8ft Sativa shoved into a 4x2
Let’s see what happens
These two plants aren’t close to finishing, so I decided to try and finish in a 2x4, lol. I’m incredibly curious to see if it can survive what I just put it through. Check in for results and final weight
2 unknown sativas
Day 166 (Week 24)
4 updates
7 photos
Day: 166

12” under a Grow 300 at 75% output, on an 11/13 light schedule, for a transitional time inside
2 years ago
eeyamamoto Did you grow the 8’ in your house? Like a houseplant?
GoldenTiger no it was outside until this photo, but wasn’t finished yet so I brought it in for a week.
eeyamamoto Looks great!!
Day: 0

Getting some tall trichomes!
2 years ago
Day: 0

Coming along
2 years ago
eeyamamoto Love the lady bugs! Do the help with the pests?
GoldenTiger Yes, they clean up like crazy. And we had a ton around the house so I gathered them up and brought them in.