First hydro grow
First hydro
2 samango seeds pooped little over 14days ago if I remember. One on right took a few days to germ and I tossed her in soil just for a Hail Mary and she sprung up a few ins in a day or 2! Put them both in some rock wool and covered with pebbles. Running 18/6 to veg I would love some recommendations on when to flower cause this is my first female non auto plant. Ph the water and added light nutes.
Day 71 (Week 11)
15 updates
20 photos
Day: 71
All done and dryin!
5 years ago
Day: 56
Well well well she keeps getting thicker and falling down lol
5 years ago
Day: 51
Moved them around for better space
5 years ago
Day: 46
Wish you could see her
5 years ago
Day: 45
Looks good still
5 years ago
Day: 44
Chugging and drinking
5 years ago
Day: 43
Looking good
5 years ago
Day: 42
These girls are so lovely! The small ones are Alaskan purple from seedsman and gorilla skittlez from Barney’s. The two tall plants are my samango xxl from Nirvana seeds. These samangos were such a joy to grow so far and such a wonderful lemon smell. I barely trained them just tied some twine around the bottom to keep them from taking up to much space and I lollipopped them a little probably should have done more but whatever. Very light nutes about half of what the bottle recommends per plant stage. The samangos are really starting to form buds and thicken up. I added a led light for the small plants due to the big ones being hogs. Enjoy.
5 years ago
Day: 39
There both still looking good! It’s bulk up time.
5 years ago
Day: 32
Ok soooo it’s been a while and well things started to happen lol she’s smells amazing so much like lemon
5 years ago
Day: 13
Boom baby
5 years ago
Day: 11
Looking good
5 years ago
Day: 2
One on left is booming
5 years ago
Day: 0
About 3 In tall samango strain.
5 years ago