Mega Pint 🍺
CBD Charlotte’s Angel Auto & Auto CBD
Summer 2022
Outdoor, might use 300w led light for bad weather days/ finishing if necessary. Potted in 11l growmate bags with roughly a 60/40 compost perlite mix. Feeding will be tomato feed and bio buzz bloom. Not grown for a few years so a little rusty.
CBD Charlotte’s Angel Auto & CBD Auto 20:1
Day 35 (Week 5)
9 updates
19 photos
Day: 35
Going well and took a tester clone from one of the Autos. Also planted an Amnesia Haze Auto on the 1st
2 years ago
Day: 30
Fan leaf stems turning purple?? Is this ok?
2 years ago
Day: 22
Back out in the sunshine where they belong. First pistols now coming through. Issued a 2nd feed today of 3ml tomato feed and 1ml of bloom… these little fuckers are getting hungry
2 years ago
Day: 20
First bend, this is where it becomes a little new to me as previously just left them alone to be Christmas trees 🎄 Any advice always appreciated ✌️ (note: stole the wife’s vapour thingy, works a treat to up the humidity)
3 years ago
colby_moore Bro I just did LST on my plants for the first time and it turned out pretty good. If you want to see a step by step progression go check out my most recent grow.
colby_moore Also love your fucking name lmao!
Day: 19
Not much change, but took the first feed went well (2ml/100ml - organic tomato feed with seaweed) and is loving the holiday in the tent ⛺️
3 years ago
Day: 18
Moved inside to escape the monsoon. One didn’t make it, no idea why as the others are fine. Any tips for raising humidity?
3 years ago
Day: 17
Slight yellowing to inner leaves, deficiency perhaps?
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Nice I’m tuned in I have a charlottes angel im bouta drop 👊
Caliban Maybe N and or Mg. Or both. Try Epsom salt 1 tsp/g water and some worm castings too dressed. What soil are you in and what is your ph? Otherwise the plants looks healthy and any deficiency is early.
tomunleashed Soil came pre fertilised for 6 weeks… That said, it was very cheap store bought. Gave a very mild feed today for the first time just to see how it reacts. Ph tester arriving tomorrow.
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Day: 13
Late planting, oops! Hopefully they’ll make it 🤞
3 years ago