
Skywalker and Black Rhino

May 5 2016 Start

3 Black Rhino 2 Skywalker from seeds, started with 54W Sunblaster in 4x4x8 tent and soil. Will be transplanted to Coco and 600W HPS for Veg In a day or so, plan to flower with 1000W HPS or LED.

Skywalker and Black Rhino

Day 74 (Week 11)

11 updates

12 photos

Day: 74

Close to clone

5 years ago

Day: 73

Almost ready to clone

5 years ago

2019start You know that Skywalker likes to be topped for optimal results

Day: 71

Will post later

5 years ago

Day: 59

Outside now 8 hours, indoor 8, and only female plant

5 years ago

2019start Which is it? Black Rhino or Skywalker?

Day: 49

3 plants removed because most likely male. 2 left I think so far are female but seem to be growing slow.

5 years ago

2019start That’s a food sign of a female. They grow slower than males as the males race to get taller in order to pollinate more/further

Day: 43

Average height about 10 Inches back ones are about 1 foot. Just started giving them nutrients today.

6 years ago

Day: 41

Finally taking to the coco

6 years ago

Day: 37

In Canna Coco 4.5 Gallon, 400W HPS, 18/6

6 years ago

Day: 35

Now under 400W HPS at 18/6

6 years ago

Day: 32

Plant I transplanted into bigger potter is dying a bit at bottom and seemed to stop growing so put them out in sun for 6 hours today. Other plants look healthy Going under 400W HPS tomorrow and Coco on day 34

6 years ago

Day: 30

Skywalker averages about 7” tall, and Rhino about 4”. Been running lights 24/0 just switched to 18/6

6 years ago