Mels Granden #2
Indoor 11/2020
New strain
Girl scout cookies
Day 116 (Week 17)
8 updates
17 photos
Day: 116

Trimming the buds
4 years ago
Day: 112

4 years ago
Buddychill So you cut off all fan leaves and junk and leave buds on plant and hang? I’m learning new stuff
mellymel1217 Thanks .. it dry up pretty hard now put it in a humid closet to give it moisture back ..I’m also in that learning process . Trials and tribulations
mellymel1217 My squirt is growing pretty good so far
Day: 102

4 years ago
Day: 82

As they grow
4 years ago
Day: 29

Moving along
4 years ago
Day: 23

She grow nice so far will switch her over next week
4 years ago
Day: 1

Starting great so far
4 years ago
Day: 0

Girl Scout cookies
4 years ago