

Royal Dwarf (autoflower)

1st grow

60x60x140 tent, 600w LED

Royal Dwarf

Day 69 (Week 10)

4 updates

4 photos

Day: 69

Someone please tell me what’s going on here?

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looks like it’s finishing up

Day: 55

Royal Dwarf

3 years ago

Day: 44

I’m feeding flora grow and bloom and I’m PHing my water. I also throw in some Cal-mag. Can anyone tell me why the two top ones are turning yellowing

3 years ago


Mr.Fisher Which do you first bloom the cal mag then ph


Kruzz Yes, I do nutrients first then I do ph

Day: 44


3 years ago


Flavorz Why do small?


Kruzz Disclaimer, I’m a first time grower. At first my thoughts were the strain, which is Royal Dwarf. But people have told me they should be a little bigger for day 44. I’m thinking either i over watered or i stunted them after transplanting. I was hoping I’d get some answers on here.


Flavorz Yeah these are definitely stunted , do you have the ability to start with new seeds ?

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