Alaskan Purple (Seedsman)
Starting indoors.
Alaskan Purple
Day 4 (Week 1)
5 updates
8 photos
Day: 4
Slowly coming up!
6 years ago
Day: 3
7am - New growth! Planning to plant when I get home this afternoon. 3pm - planted her in soil.
6 years ago
kegstand_vane I got this in an autoflower version as a freebie can’t wait to see how yours turns out
grownonmaui Got these as freebies too! So far, so good! 🤙🏽 It’s my first time growing so 🤞🏽 hopefully I do good!
Day: 2
12pm - New growth! Hopefully it’ll be ready to plant in soil with the rest of the fam later tonight. 8pm - New growth
6 years ago
Day: 1
Transferred to paper towel.
6 years ago
Day: 0
Got 1 seed in a container of tap water. Gonna leave overnight to soak.
6 years ago