First Grow - White Widow Auto #1
January 2019
White Widow Autoflower; 4x4 tent; 2x Mars Hydro 600W LED Grow lights; 3x 5-gallon Smart Pots; Pro-Mix HP; GH Flora Trio; 4” carbon filter with inline exhaust fan; humidifier / dehumidifier ; 2x 10” fans ; 1x ceramic space heater
White Widow
Day 29 (Week 5)
8 updates
20 photos
Day: 29
LST ; 3/3/7 week 3
6 years ago
Day: 19
Rita’s been having some issues on her lower growth this week, I’ve been rotating my feed ratios and timing to try to correct it. The leaf on the left looks like it may be curling from heat stress as well, but I can’t tell for certain. Oddly enough - most of her maladies are isolated to single leaves, so I’m troubleshooting each individually but in a collective approach. In other news, she’s got several new growth sites popping every day, and her stem is shedding the purple exterior for a tough green one. I started some LST earlier this week, but didn’t like how she looked after the first morning. I’ll hold off until next week at the latest, but she’ll be starting that very soon. Today she got 1 gallon of 3/3/7 (cal mag/micro/bloom) at 6.2. She’s at the tail end of her first week on this formula tier, so two more weeks of this and then the final formula.
6 years ago
Day: 10
Rita is looking great today! She was a little loose and slouched yesterday, but I formed the soil around her base a bit, and she got another nute feed yesterday, and she appears to be loving life. She’s continuing the feed formula from the previous post until Saturday, and I’ve been feeding about every other day, with pH balanced water on the off days. With only 2 plants in the tent now, she’s got a dedicated light and ideally it pays off.
6 years ago
Day: 8
Rita is still looking nice and healthy. She looked to be drooping a little bit by the end of the week, but I started her nutrient feed yesterday and she seems to have taken well. For this week, she’s on 2ML Cal-Mag, 2ML Flora Micro, and 4ML Flora Bloom - pH’d at 5.7. Today I just gave her a light watering to help adjust to the nutes, pH’d at 6.0. Her coloring is still nice and green, lighter in the center and darker outwards. She seems to be starting another upwards growth, I’ll be tracking that for the next few days of course. I’m also going to give her a dedicated light, and raise that about an inch or so to accommodate her growth last week. Side note - the white spot from the last post was a watermark picked up by the camera under the LED, all is well there!
6 years ago
Day: 6
2 & 3 didn’t make it unfortunately. I rinsed the soil last night and two new seeds will be done germinating in a few hours, so they’ll be potted tonight. I’m a little concerned with how the light schedule will work out, but they should be okay. Rita on the other hand is looking nice and healthy. Her coloring is nicely greened and she’s upright, still appears to be climbing. She’s got a white spot on her leaf, I believe where the seed casing was. I’m going to keep a close eye on that in the coming days. I’ll be getting ready to start a nute feed for her this weekend, and the seedlings will start fresh on pH’d water. Rita’s water was 5.7 today, and I used that to pre-water the soil for the seedlings as well.
6 years ago
Day: 4
Rita is looking great today, she’s growing about an inch a day so far. Unfortunately, I think the other two may not make it. They have yet to move as of today. I’ve added the second 600W LED to the tent as of today, and also threw two new seeds in some water to germinate. If the two don’t bounce back in the next two days under two lights, I’ll be starting fresh with the new seeds. Water was pH’d at 5.8 today.
6 years ago
Day: 3
Continuing the 18/6 today, with the water pH balanced at 6.0 this time. The back left (picture 1) is already growing a nice purple stem and starting to climb more significantly. The front center (picture 2) hasn’t started climbing yet, but I feel alright about this one, ideally it’ll sprout up in a day or two. The back right (picture 3) I’m getting concerned about. A slip of the wrist flooded the seed site today, and subsequently uprooted it. The root is looking fairly weak, and I’m not certain it’s going to make it. I replanted and centered it under the light, and I’ll check back tomorrow evening after lights out to see if there’s any improvement.
6 years ago
Day: 2
Started the 18/6 cycle this morning, so they’ll be following that from here on. All three seemed to have some progress since yesterday, and look to be climbing a bit. The pro-mix was dry through the top 3/4” or so, so I did another watering. I tried to stay lighter around the seed sites this time, as the deeper medium was still moist - I kept the outside edges wetter though, to continue to encourage that outward growth. The pH on the water this time was closer to 6.0 - they’ll keep getting pH balanced water for the rest of the first week, and I’ll be starting the nute feeds in the second week.
6 years ago