Maiden Voyage
Summer 2020
Two sour Diesel plants grown with a 2x4 tent, 6” ac infinity fan, 6” visosun filter, spider farmer sf 2000 led light
Sour diesle
Day 103 (Week 15)
34 updates
88 photos
Day: 103
Day 8 or 9 of flush
4 years ago
Day: 97
Closing in on week 9. Temp dropped considerably last night and I had the window cracked. Got down to 63 😬. Day temps are around 72. Humidity looks great, 1 gallon of ph water every day, ppm around 500 and dropping, PH6.3. Quick note: Although they are the same cultivar they smell very different. One has a distinct sweet almost berry aroma while the other has the characteristic fuel smell. Short plant is also ripening quicker than the other
4 years ago
Day: 94
Weeks 8 of flower. Will start flushing on Wednesday, still seeing lots of yellowing on the tips of the buds of larger plant even after moving the light to 20”. Little girl is looking awesome. Smell profile seems to be getting more complex each day. 74F, 51%RH, 940 ppm, can I still smoke the light burned nugs?
4 years ago
Day: 88
Pretty much week 8 of flower. Switching to ripen recipe tomorrow. Smell is VERY strong and hairs have turned a nice golden brown color. I started watering one extra time per day with a slightly lower ec to help with salt build up. Probably better I start dialing back nutes anyway. Humidity a little higher at night because of second watering. I’ll try and do it earlier. All vitals are good
4 years ago
Day: 84
Almost to week 7 of bloom. On late bloom recipe. Both runoff’s are at about 1150. 47% humidity, 77F. Smelling and looking great. Getting dense and some pistols turning towards the darker side. Light at 18”. May move light down slightly as the leaves are still looking good
4 years ago
Day: 81
Week 6 of flower
4 years ago
Day: 78
All vitals look good. Solved the night humidity problem by creating a dehumidifier duct straight to the tent. Playing the waiting game. Last two pictures show “claw up” and yellow tips on one of the girls. I’m reading that this is a climate issue but light has been moved to 20” temp is 77F and humidity is 50%???! Anybody wanna chime in?
4 years ago
Day: 75
Even after basically a week of lighter feed. Still having a little tip yellowing on the big girl. Doesn’t seem to be affecting resin production so we’re going to keep trucking. Worth noting I’m seeing slight leaf claw up on big girl as well. As for the Lil lady, wow. So many bud sites all about identical in height and shape, no signs of any deficiencies. Switching to late bloom recipe today,ppm 1000 (big girl) 900 (little girl) ,inflow about 800. 77F 50%RH tent humidity still creeping higher at night. Around 56% 😬
4 years ago
Day: 72
Added support for the girls today with half tomato cages and soft wire ties to spread em out. Looking and smelling great ppm 925 76F 50%RH 5.9PH. Going to continue to feed at 1/4 strength. I’m noticing only slight yellowing on tips. Also did my last defoliation. Quite a few fan leaves left to soak up energy. Short plant had tight nodes while the big ones nodes seem to be spread out further. Wonder how the final nugs will differ?
4 years ago
ChefKirkland Anybody see anything I should be worried about?
Day: 69
I watered with a 1/2 dose of nutes because one girl is running a high ppm (1200), and raised the light to 18” to be on the safe side. Too late in the game to fuck it up. Tricomes are definitely starting to frost the plants. Humidity spikes to 54-55 at night but I think that’s ok. Temp stay pretty solid. Changed the ac infinity fan to just blow constantly at 4 instead of the auto settings and it’s working way better 75F 50%RH 900ppm
4 years ago
Day: 66
Starting to stink! PH 6.0 PPM 1120 76F 50%RH
4 years ago
Day: 63
Starting to see a little nute burn. Dropping my PPM to 950. Budletts are starting to get a little bigger. PH was a little higher today in the feed water (6.4) run off PH is 6.0 and PPM is 1100. Light is at 17” , 77F 47%RH
4 years ago
Mystrain420 What’s your medium ?
ChefKirkland Coco
Day: 60
Week 3 of flower an they’re still stretching. Switching to mid bloom recipe tomorrow 76F 50%RH 1100ec
4 years ago
Day: 57
Another trim today. All is well
4 years ago
Day: 56
So the healthy girl on the left has stretched big time! At least 2x, the other one not so much. She was clearly stunted and never grew up I wonder if it was the stress of breaking a branch in veg. Hopefully she still produces decent smaller buds! Still in early flower nutes. Will switch to mid flower recipie in about a week. 75F 50%RH 1100 PPM 5.9PH
4 years ago
Ganjaman420 Lookin good!
Day: 52
Officially two weeks into flower, and the ladies are looking good. Dehumidifier and second intake flap being open helped a lot with humidity. I think I read this strand likes a dry climate, and it’s true. I elevated the pot of the girl who’s soil was staying saturated, and she’s doing better now. PPM right on target with the smaller plant and slightly lower in the larger plant, I believe I need less runoff.
4 years ago
Day: 48
Little defoliation today, added diamond nectar and rapid start to the nutrient line up today. Better late than never. Also added a oscillating fan blowing underneath the canopy. RH 55 , 77F 12/12 light 16” from canopy
4 years ago
Day: 47
Did some reading and I think one of the girls is suffering a calcium deficiency due to low ph and insufficient dosage of cal mag. Gave her a “flush” with a slightly heavier dose of nutes and a ph of 6.3
4 years ago
Day: 43
Still LST at this point. Both canopy’s appear to be even at this point. Still feeding every day. Light moved down to 17”. Pistols are just starting to form
4 years ago
Day: 40
Currently 3 days into flower and I can see them stretching already. Sour d is apparently one of the biggest “stretchers” so I’m going to have to do a lot of work training in my 6th tent. Feeding each girl a half gallon of nutes/day. No flushing
4 years ago
Day: 36
Broke off 1/4 of my mainline. Very sad day. Did my last topping and will switch to the transition nutrients on the next feeding light is 23” away. Still 18/6 about 80F and 65%RH
4 years ago
Day: 32
Girls are about 4.5” tall. I realized today that the dimmer was on my light at only 50%. No wonder they’ve been growing slower. I think a little more heat in the tent will help also. I’ve been doing some heavy LST waiting to top my plants one more time before switching to flower. I’m using soft wire ties to pin down my tops but they seem to just pull the ties right out of the ground. I think one of the girls to the right has some wind burn but I think I fixed that.
4 years ago
Day: 26
Final transplant was done this morning into 3 gallon fabric pots. Continuing week 3 veg cycle nutes for now. I will do my second top and more LST on my mainline tomorrow once they bounce back from the transplant. Light is 24” from canopy, 74F, 65% RH
4 years ago
Day: 22
26” away from light. I have determined my vpd is out of acceptable range as my average weekly is 78F and 48%RH going to aim to drop the temp closer to 70F I have opened all the vent flaps and adjusted my AC infinity fan. We’ll see. Looks like I’m about 3-4 days away from topping these girls. I will try the mainline technique
4 years ago
Mystrain420 78f is like perfect, why would u drop to 70f? Isn’t 79f supposed to be optimal temperature and rh up in the 55-60% area for veg, 35-40% for flowering?
ChefKirkland I think you’re right. Classic case of over thinking on the first grow
Day: 20
Girls have been up potted again into milk crates. I believe I overwatered the plants while in the solo cups possibly stunting the growth. I thought you couldn’t over water in coco but I guess I was wrong. I also buffered all my coco before transplanting to the gallon jugs. I heard this is a must and since they weren’t looking great I figured I should. Haven’t watered in 2 days and they look fine. I’ll water with nutrients in the morning
4 years ago
Day: 16
Still on week one nutes schedule only because I started feeding them late. Feeding 1/day. They look healthy. Will switch to the week 2 schedule tomorrow. Light at 24”
5 years ago
Day: 11
Transplanted the ladies yesterday into solo cups. Watered them after with a normal dose of Cal-Mag (ph’ed of corse). I closed the air intake flaps a little trying to get a bit more humidity and it’s working great
5 years ago
Day: 8
I’m on 18/6 lighting now. Humidity has been low (43%) and I’m not sure if that number is off enough for me to do something about it? I read this strain likes dry arid conditions so this could be perfect.
5 years ago
Day: 5
Ladies are looking good. Move the light to 100% power and 30” height. Also got my ac infinity fan programmed to my ideal temp and RH and I had a 1 degree and 1% variance over the last 24 hours. Impressive. Still no nutes
5 years ago
Poormansgrow Hope u stay with updates on ur grow. I’m looking forward to seeing how your girls turn out
Day: 4
Phew! Tent is up finally up! I moved the twins into the tent late last night and left the spider farmer 2000 shining on them all night on its lowest setting. I forgot to open the vents for tent so humidity was almost 89% over night. Probably ok since they are in between germ and veg. Light power has been moved up to 50% this morning. Still no nutes
5 years ago
Day: 3
Look who decided to join the party!!! It was super hot and humid all day yesterday (84F, 80% ). I’m sure that was the boost these ladies needed. Still no nutrients yet and my tent is scheduled to arrive today. Just in time
5 years ago
Day: 2
No action yet. Moved to windowsill to get more light/warmth. It rained all day yesterday so humidity has been fairly high. Temp could be warmer but I’m not too worried
5 years ago
Day: 1
Still no sign of life. Seedling tray is in mud room next to window. Wondering if direct sunlight or possibly under grow light would be a better place. Still waiting on tent to arrive however
5 years ago
Day: 0
The plants have just been popped into a seedling tray from Burpee. The pellets use coco as the starting medium. I have also pre mixed the coco/ perlite in 5 gal fabric pots. No nutrients yet
5 years ago