

Banana Daddy - Clone

Summer 2021

One Banana Daddy clone plant from Mass. nursery, labeled for 06/18/2021, received on 06/23/2021, in a 20 gallon drainage planters pot, outdoors, watered manually

Banana Daddy

Day 15 (Week 3)

9 updates

9 photos

Day: 15

Daddy - 5.5 inches tall

4 years ago


heizenberg What happened to her?


Ebuds I’m thinking she never really rooted or went into shock after being transplanted. I waited a month before pulling her from the soil and she had no roots at all


heizenberg Soil too hot with nutes maybe? Roots should take off. I’m scratching my head wondering wtf. Hopefully you can nurse her back to health. Good luck and please post updates.

Day: 13

Daddy - about 5.5 inches tall

4 years ago

Day: 12

Is it time to start giving nutrients? Photo taken at night to show difference in drooping leaves) Could this be light burn causing nutrients lockout? I grow outdoors and my area just had a heat wave. These past 2 days/nights her leaves droop during the day and perk up at night. Not sure what to do. Should I cut off that huge big leaf/stem and brown tips on the leaves so the plant can focus on new growth? I overwatered at first but have since stopped watering as much. I’ve tested ph of water and soil and it is in a good range now, I’ve only ever given nutrients 1 time (SUPERthrive to help with transplant and added bunny manure and tried Jobes Organics to help with nutrients as a fertilizer) I can’t tell at this point if it’s nutrients lockout from overwatering or what.. (I gently tugged on the main stems of each plant and she’s the loosest of the 5 so I’m thinking she isn’t rooting correctly?)

4 years ago


emmyb I’m also thinking maybe she has a potassium deficiency as well as heat stress. Thoughts?

Day: 10

Daddy is 10 days old (clone) please tell me what you think she needs for nutrients. I think she’s lacking calcium or magnesium maybe? Will cal-mag nutrients be enough or should I use fox farm or something else? Is she getting too much direct sun?

4 years ago


emmyb Ph levels are at 7. Do I need ph up&down? I’ve been giving it water with a ph around 6.5. We are having a heat wave right now so she’s been in the shade most of the day. I don’t give nutrients but I did give SUPERthrive yesterday trying to save her that’s why I asked if I should be giving any nutes. First time grower :)


emmyb If the tips are burning from too much direct sun should I clip the burnt parts off or keep them?

ken1992 I have some questions for you. Are you doing an indoor or out door grow?

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Day: 9

Wondering when and if I should transplant her to a smaller container in hopes she doesn’t turn into a goner. Daddy is still struggling and as a first time grower I’m in need of advice.. First day I transplanted her I think I may have overwatered her so I haven’t watered as often or as much. I got a ph/moisture/light tester to prevent over watering. Today I gave 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of SUPERthrive to all the babes in hopes it helps a bit and fertilized the soil around her with bunny manure. (Before watering — PH of soil was 7.5 .. Moisture was 4 .. Height of plant is 5.5 inches)

4 years ago

Day: 8

Definite nutrient deficiency in Daddy but her leaves have perked up some since yesterday. .... Made sure drainage holes weren’t lodged with soil and put them on top of these cinder blocks to see if this promotes drainage. Knew I took a chance when I potted them in such a huge pot for their size, will monitor for a few more days and decide what to do next if leaves change color. Definitely overwatered the girls the other day but have done more research and will take a new approach. Ph still at 6.5-7, moisture level now between 5-6. Will water Daddy tomorrow morning with SUPERthrive added to water.

4 years ago

Day: 7

Daddy - Approximately 5 inches tall (looks to be struggling a tad from transfer) - gave it extra attention today

4 years ago

Day: 6

Moved girls over to 20 gallon pot

4 years ago

Day: 5

Just got the girls from the nursery in Mass. (labeled 06/18/21)

4 years ago