
First time

Experimental grow

Had some old potting soil in a 5 gal. so I stuck a seed in. 12 hr days and no lights yet so I am learning to grow outdoors. I get regular rain 2-4 times a week. The temperature floats between 72-76F And humidity is usually in the 50s. I started with 2 but one was a dude. She is quite resilient, and seems to respond to the amended soil I added to the worn out potting soil. Fingers crossed


Day 59 (Week 9)

8 updates

9 photos

Day: 59

Always wipe your lens. She is budding and her trim is coming up. We get almost daily rainfall so I know in the future to buy aeropots.

5 years ago


NickYo Also look into some low stress training. It will help a lot! And don’t worry the plant is stronger then you think.

Day: 52

Shhh she’s sleeping. Weekly feeding of 1L bat tea with 1/4 tsp black strap molasses, and a 50 mg pot ash

5 years ago

Day: 34

First Guano tea, 1L soaked in warm water and left overnight with a tip (1/4 tsp) of black strap molasses . She’s about 14inches high and it’s the 5th week of veg. The week after this pic she got 48hrs darkness and about 3inches of guano amended soil on top.

5 years ago

Day: 31

The dude. Loving life, for now.

5 years ago

Skygrade The little lady, in recovery

Day: 22

First feeding... random teaspoon miracle grow to 2L of water. 1L each after transplant. Transplanted her in the bottom bucket. I will grow them separate from now own but it what you see is what I had. She was always smaller than him and the transplant wasn’t her idea of great. The top bucket is the dude in mixed potash soil, and she is now in worn out potting soil (what can I say, we all we got).

5 years ago

Day: 18

I know I know no tin foil but they grew fine. I checked for burns but they were fine. Tried it for a week... no difference.

5 years ago

Day: 13

Look at that free loader! Of course HE grew like weed, while she was always a lady. Watered every 3days If I never saw rain. No fertilizer

5 years ago

Day: 1

Planted these 2 seeds directly into the soil, watered and lots of rain that night. Popped next morning. The bamboo leaves retain the humidity and these were taken from light shade in the first week. This first pot was a mix of pot ash I made, sandy soil, and random dirt. The smaller one is the girl

5 years ago