First Grow - 2 gorilla cookie x 2 critical
4x4 tent - VS4000
Fast Bud Gorilla Cookie an Seedsman Critical auto
Day 77 (Week 11)
16 updates
77 photos
Day: 77
The two GCs are still going. 1 is getting frosty but still has a good amount of white hairs. The other isn’t getting frosty at all but has grown taller. Still looking like 3-4 weeks left on them. Maybe even longer for the stunted one.
2 years ago
Day: 71
Day 71: criticals got the chop and now hanging to dry. Still need to get a better hold of feeds for the GC. They should have been watered possibly yesterday but was not home. Many of the leaves that held strong after the last nute feed slowly turned yellow. Plant 1: LST only. Got nute burn maybe 6 weeks in. Been fighting it being more sensitive since. Buds getting bigger but not dense. Day 71- Plant 2. Buds getting denser and denser. Expecting 3-4 more weeks on this
2 years ago
Day: 63
Day 63: criticals probably only have “2 weeks left” lol. The last bit of pistols are turning white and it’s mostly cloudy as far as trichomes. Bits of amber on sugar leaves. Gorilla cookies are doing their thing. One is fattening up nicely. The other that has signs of nute burn is a little slower. I’ve tapered the amount I’ve fed that one. It’s been slower for the last few weeks since responding more hostile to bloom nutes the first time introducing. It seems 2 weeks behind the other. Fattening and growing but a lot slower. Overall I feel it’s going great. First gorilla cookie may be done in 4 weeks and the other possibly 6.
2 years ago
Day: 56
Day 56: Seedsman Critical 2.0s are very close to completion. Shocking but I honestly feel they’ll be completely done in 2 weeks. Still some white hairs and mostly clear trichomes. The gorilla cookies are finally gaining weight. Probably noticed them thickening a few days ago! I’m thinking those will be the two I get my good yield from. Especially when they won’t have to share the light with the criticals for too long. Overall, I’m having to adjust feeding them more often. Feel for the last two feedings I let the GC leaves yellow unintentionally because I went to long between. Temps stay around a constant 78-85 degrees and humidity 43-53%
2 years ago
843BJ Day 60: hate that I’m noticing one of the gorilla cookies is growing much slower. It’s the plant that that responded the worst to the bloom nutes. Leaves still somewhat droop when light is on and watered.
Day: 49
Day 49: temperatures and humidity has been perfect for the last week being I’ve been able to crack my door and dial in the bladder room. High 70s for temp and 40s for humidity. The seedsman criticals are finishing up and I feel should be done early. The gorilla cookies are still behind but they are still growing more and larger bud sites. I’m suspecting in at least another 3 weeks the criticals may be done and the GC can get 100% of the light. Still not expecting much yield from the criticals. I can’t imagine them doubling in size in the next 3-4 weeks. 1-2 Oz per plant maybe??
2 years ago
Cuben_Si00 do you increase light intensity for flower - keep it the same - or dial it down after flipping from vege?
Devanguy56288 1-2oz per plant is a grainy yield for your first grow. I’m on my first grow and that was my goal but do believe I will be falling short of that. Ha. Great job though plants look good 👍
843BJ @cuben they’re autoflowers. I have a 400 watt light and I would say it cranked it to 100 percent once they started flowing. They were at 75 during late veg
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Day: 42
Day 42: One gorilla cookie still impacted by the bloom nutes. I’m guessing the nute burn is over. Still gonna next feed with just cal mag and water. GCs are about 2 feet and the criticals are about a foot.
2 years ago
Day: 35
Day 35: had a watering/feeding mishap later in the week. Basically went an extra day and a half past scheduled feeding time. Conditions weren’t checked during that period either so most likely high temps paired with lower than normal humidity. They perked up well after feeding around midnight Friday. and I cut most the lower level leaves that died on me. Will feed tomorrow to get back on schedule. The two criticals on the top are veeery dense and bushy. Trying to LST and tuck leaves more but because they’re so dense and short it’s harder. Should’ve topped them most def.
2 years ago
Day: 28
Day 28: things seem to be growing good. Watered 2 days ago. I plan on maybe chopping a few of the lower leaves that blocking the bud sites. Tucking is only doing so much now. The topped gorilla cookie on the bottom right is growing perfectly. Wish I would’ve topped 2 instead of just one.
2 years ago
Day: 22
After more LST. Topped the gorilla cookie on the right
2 years ago
Day: 21
Day 21 after sprout. Will lock down on LST this week. Tying specific branches away and down
2 years ago
Day: 17
First day of LST. the second pics are not fully 24 hours after I bent her over.
2 years ago
Day: 14
2nd week in. Planning on LSTing then tomorrow. All growing a 5th nose. All 4-5 inches in height. 7-10 inches in width. PPFD @ 500
2 years ago
Day: 7
First full week in. All about 2 inches tall give or take with the criticals being the bigger of the two. Small set of seconds leaves forming.
2 years ago
Day: 5
All at least 1.5 inches with the big critical coming in at over two. Noting one gorilla cookie is leaning possibly due to seed placement. To account for possible light issues, I’ve raised light to 30 inches from 19. Found out I should be using a diffuser on my Photone app. Will keep close eye on plants light. Still seem they are reaching and no extra leafs have formed.
2 years ago
Day: 3
1 GC and 1 critical looks great. 2 others still have seeds on them. May remove soon
2 years ago
843BJ Update: removed seeds from top of 2 sprouts
Day: 1
All above ground and gaining height
2 years ago