

Gorilla Grow Tent 2x4

First Indoor Grow

One auto in a 3 gallon fabric pot. Started from seed on 1/15. Gorilla grow grow tent 2x4 fitted with common culture 6” in-line fan and carbon filter. Under the SF2000 200w LED from Spider Farm. Using FF Ocean Forest with only PHd distilled water and FF Big Bloom. Foliar feed and mist during night hours. Plan to use FF Happy Frog Fruit and Flower for flowering.

Moby Dick XXL Auto

Day 72 (Week 11)

35 updates

123 photos

Day: 72


Really sucks when you don’t know what you’re doing. If not for this grow I hope I figure out what this is. Some sort of fert burn? In hindsight I probably overdid it with the powdered nutrients. Tried a flush yesterday which I don’t think I did enough of. Ran about a gallon through it of distilled. Not sure how long till notice a change. Trichomes are now showing at each bud site especially the main cola. Just want this grow to be over because it feels discouraging.

4 years ago


NopeQQ Mhh.. I dont think its a nutrien Burn. I Post a picture in my "need Help"-album


ChronicTonic Don’t be discouraged brother, it’s all a learning curve. We’ve all had problems we’ve have to overcome. I would remove all the dead leaves as it’s draining energy that you need to go elsewhere. Yes, flush is good. Make sure you get plenty of run off. Check the ph of the run off, wait for soil to dry completely then maybe flush again. If your mixing your own base nutrients I would recommend advanced nutrients as they naturally balance out ph. After flush I would give her some cal-mag. She’ll probably slow down lots because of the stress, but just bare with it & hopefully in a few days should start seeing an improvement 👍🏼

Day: 64


Temp 81. RH was 15 but humidifier was empty. The white tips issue solved. I was using tap water for humidifier which was leaving calcium residue on everything. One day of using distilled and I can already tell a difference. Also noticed one leave was basically curling into itself. Fed 3 call fulls of fruit and flower as it’s been almost 2 weeks since feed and things are slow. Ordered langbeinite 0-0-22 from Down to Earth for its potassium but also it includes magnesium and sulfur. I see the top cola is starting to show actual trichomes. Also tried bending it a little to the side because it’s almost an inch over 18” from light now but I have no way to raise it anymore other than removing the fan and filter.

4 years ago


grrrrrrr777 Never though about tap water in humidifier! Thanks for the heads up ✌️


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 63

She is starting to put out trichomes finally around the buds so far and the bumps that the white hairs come out of are starting to get fuzzy too. I snipped a bunch of the heavily affected leaves that had the spots and yellowing. Seeing curling on a bunch of leaves new and old. Hoping it’s nutrient burn. It should correct itself after another watering. Watered yesterday with a little less than half gallon with 2.5ml of cal/mag. Water itself was tap water PHd to around 6.5. I’m just hoping it’s smokable.

4 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 61


From last night including one from a couple nights ago as a reminder till I handle it. I’ve been going back and forth with myself and I’ll probably snip off the ones with the yellowing. Someone mentioned leaf septoria. Not sure how to handle now that it’s flowering. I’d like to defoliate but it will affect yield. Temps have been swinging again and I think that may be contributing factor as well as lack of air flow at bottom.

4 years ago


NopeQQ Its a nutrient defiency. Not a burn


NopeQQ Just my opinon

Day: 59


Haven’t posted in awhile because well growth is slowed again but it’s still about maxing tent height. Making me really regret not topping it training it sideways. It’s Sativa characteristics are really coming through. The yellowing is on one other leaf so far. I also have that purplish brown spot issue on multiple leaves, mainly older fan leaves. I checked PH run off and it was in range but I didn’t run a ton through it. Could be a micronutrient deficiency. I am using tap water now that’s been PHed. Going to do this until next grow I will stick to RO.

4 years ago

Day: 54

This is getting depressing now. Yeah there’s green but then also I’m seeing a lot of odd things that aren’t full and green. I watered in with big bloom the other night about a half gallon. She does dry up quick now. Not sure if I’m seeing residual affects or a progressing issue at the moment. Already planning for next grow as far as soil set up. Gonna go full organic and I think will need to just buy RO/distilled going forward after this grow concludes. Wish I had someone to hold my hand on this one to point out what I can do. Push on.

4 years ago

Forty Two Have you just tried some cal/mag and water. She looks pretty good otherwise.

Day: 52


Temps 70s. RH 15 ouch. I was hoping for a ride in RH during flower. Not lowered. Then again could just be the positioning of the probe. Humidifier is positioned to side between fan and plant so it just flows toward her. I need to get a 3rd clip fan. I had to leave the 2nd fan on the light because without it it’s just burning. I think she looks good otherwise. Watered with a half gallon of PHd tap water with 3.5ml of cal/mag. I’m going to try just doing tap going forward. Money wise makes sense and I can just PH it down even though I know it’s not great for soil life. Also fed 2tbsp of DTE 4-4-4 and 2tbsp of the Happy Tree Frog Fruit and Flower. She was showing spots that I am convinced are from lack of nutrients. 20 days since last feed aside from big bloom a couple times.

4 years ago

Day: 51


Temp 72 and RH 23. New positioning may not be allowing humidifier to do the work. That fan isn’t sweeping up all that vapor. I am worried that it’s going to be a low yielder due to all stress I have caused her. Just going to let her do her thing now. No more LST or pruning. On long as air is flowing through it. Otherwise she’s looking good. More than an inch of growth since yesterday. Planning to feed next watering . I fed less than the recommended last time more than a couple weeks ago I think.

4 years ago

Day: 51


NEED HELP. Spots? Not a routine post. New and young foliage looks good but I noticed on some of the older ones showing some spots. And then some of the newer leaves almost have a sheen on the edges but I don’t think it’s trichomes development. The growth below is horrible I know, it’s an auto and I lacked on trimming before it flowered. I’m afraid of diminished yields. If I need to I can trim. Not sure if the spots are a fungus, deficiency, burn, or lock out. I know one of the watering a I had the PH slightly higher than I wanted but didn’t notice until after I used it because it had nutes and I’m using the standard hydro ph kit. I’ve only fed once and have given cal/mag in varying amounts every few waterings.

4 years ago


dudeface I would suggest on next watering to give a flush. Water no more than 6.3 and no lower than 5.8 ph. Than on preceding watering use your nutrients at 1/2 to 3/4 strength. Cal/mag is good to add too but not within 4 weeks of harvest. And to a ratio of 2.5ml per gallon. I am not an expert but have found that often the case is too much of something, nutrients, water, whatever. Also if your using city water, let it sit open air for 24 hours to off gas before using. Than mix your nutrients in, the room temperature water also won’t shock your plants. Simply what I would do. Also trimming is one thing, but definitely top your plants. Not when flowering but after 5 sets of leaves develop.

Day: 50


Temps reached 87 today in tent. RH was on the lower end below 30. I’m constantly tweaking the humidifier but I don’t want to spend on a hygrometer controller. She’s looking good though. Pot was feeling light so I water with a half gallon of distilled with a little cal/mag from another jug I had mixed. Not sure what the stretch is about. My timeline could be off on where she is in her life cycle but it’s def 50 days. More than an inch of growth in a day and possible light stress from being so close. Raised a couple inches.

4 years ago

Day: 48


Temps hitting 80 and RH at 30. I was going to defoliate but after careful deliberation I’m not going to. I’ve heard conflicting opinions on whether or not to trim an auto let alone a flowering one. I did some LST instead. Tried my best to pull some of branches from the upper nodes out a bit from the fan leaves. And then the lower ones I readjusted the existing wire and pulled them down more so no more shade from the set of big fan leaves above. Luckily her Sativa side is showing in the leaves so they aren’t as wide. I also finally figured out the droop issue. It’s just her daily routine. Starts to go to sleep before the lights go out. Then perks up after dark hours. Pretty cool.

4 years ago

sentient713 I’ve never grown an auto, but I definitely have gone the no defoliate route and I’ll never do it again. I’ve read not to top an auto, but nothing about no defoliating, but you may have gone deeper in the research. I’m going way more extreme on my defoliation this round. I read about “one on the node” and it’s changed my view. I’m not going as extreme as that, but in that direction.


Balactus I’m going to look that up. I definitely would have during veg, that seems acceptable but at this point in flower I don’t want to stunt any potential growth. She’s making a lot of progress it seems like in a short amount of time as I’ve made improvements.


dannibis Would stop training about now. Keep her tied where you want but the stretch is coming to a close. Leaf tucking works great as an alternative to defoliating and preserves those leaves to help fuel the plant during last weeks of flower and flush

Day: 47


She is becoming thirstier by the day. Temp 66. RH 41. Watered with close to a gallon of 1/3 cup Big Bloom per gallon of water. Made sure to water through to bottom with minimal run off. I didn’t think to check it’s PH till after I dumped the excess. The water itself came out a little higher than I would have liked. Will just need to be careful for the next watering. Sativa dominance showing in leaves. She is speeding up growth with about an inch of growth since yesterday.

4 years ago


Balactus She is droopy today again. I was adjusting the fan and I think the change in wind force and direction stressed her a little. She’s a little under 1 foot now.

Day: 47

Good temps and good humidity. Now that she’s flowering and temps outside have been a bit higher she’s been growing well. I’m not being exact but eyeballing with a tape measure she’s a foot tall now. Pretty amazing. She is looking unruly on the undergrowth. Wonder if I should take the set of fan leaves 2 nodes down from the top. They are covering some emerging tops.

4 years ago

Day: 46

A little blurry. Fans were running and I was trying to focus with lights in my eyes. The droop was from her being thirsty. Starting to pick up on these things. The LST is working out it looks like. Everything is growing out of the other branches way. Anticipating the next feeding. Since it’s powdered nutes do I need to flush at some point or only at the end?

4 years ago

Day: 45


She is officially flowering. Did some LST on 3 branches. No defoliation yet. Not sure if I’ll do much if any until harvest depending on if she becomes unruly since she’s so small. I’ve increased intensity to 90 with intent to go to the full 100 since she’s going to need all she can get. I only gave her a modest amount of feed the last time. I’m thinking I’ll hit her with a tablespoon of 4-4-4 from DTE and then a tablespoon of the HF Fruit and Flower. I’m also noticing hints of browning on some leaves. Also brown spots in a couple places as well as a fan leave that looks torn. My guess is a pest I haven’t seen. I look but don’t see anything. I had a mishap today where I didn’t turn on the inline fan for 4-5 hours and everything plant level is dripping in water from the humidifier. Lesson learned.

4 years ago

Day: 44


Is she finally flowering? Kept her inside last night due to temps dropping to freezing outside. She is back in the garage tent. Increased light intensity slightly. Soil still moist under top layer. Not sure what I should remove as far as defoliation.

4 years ago

Day: 43


I stopped touching it all together until next feeding/defoliation/water. I think it just adds unneeded stress to constantly take it out and move it around. Temp was about 62-64 and RH said 24. Refilled the humidifier again. Testing on lowest setting to see if any impact and how long it will last. Will need to clean it soon as it’s starting to show calcium where it’s dried. She is definitely making progress. Not sure if I should do any sort of pruning or training at this point right now. Might boost growth if I prune some of that under growth but not sure what is okay to take off.

4 years ago

Day: 42


Morning update. Temp 57. RH was about 26. Humidifier refilled. Medium power lasts a full day. She’s perked up again. Even tho temps outside dropped to 40s last night. Must have stayed decent inside because she grew an inch since yesterday. Still waiting on buds. If this were a photoperiod, would pistils mean to flip to 12/12 or do pistils only show during the flowering? Either way impatient. Next feeding I’m going to do half and half the 4-4-4 from DTE and half of the happy tree frog fruit and flower.

4 years ago

Day: 41


Temp are 60F. RH is 26. Noticing some brown spots on a couple leaves. Had to remove those as they happen to be blocking light as well as a couple other unsavory types. I also noticed that the white pistols are almost shriveling at the ends. I don’t know what that means whether it’s good or bad. Not sure what happens during pre flower. I just watered with a half gallon of distilled water PH at ~6.5. I did a pour job with training. Was too afraid to hurt my yields as it’s an auto that maybe I short myself in the foot for not doing more. First grow so live and learn.

4 years ago


dollface42 Definitely need higher temps and rh


Balactus Temps are out of my hands until it’s warmer. We have been getting cold nights. I don’t want to add a heating element. I should of started with some photos but oh well.

Day: 41


Temp 68 and RH sitting at 32. Soil still very moist on top. She’s droopy I’m assuming from feeling water logged. It’s been chilly again over here. I noticed some leaf damage that was on another leaf I took off. Possibly from a pest? Looks like it tore into an edge of that leaf. Not much growth at all in a day. I may be watering too much at once. I did water this one till it came out the bottom the other night. With the cool temps probably hard to absorb it. Hoping for the best.

4 years ago


Caliban I had similar issues w temp and RH. Added a small oil circulating heater and humidifier and made all the difference.


Balactus Issue with that is the heater. Too worried about starting a fire so im not putting any heating elements in there that could higher chances of it. I’d love to believe me. She perked up before end of night. I think water is making her droop.

Day: 40


Temp 66. RH is 23 but humidifier also ran out of water. She’s perked up again. Ill probably need to water again tonight. Letting her dry out a bit more. She’s about 8” tall now. RH reached up to 50 yesterday when temps were 81. I know it’s not good for things to fluctuate but I’m glad to get some sort of stability.

4 years ago

Day: 39


She’s looking good tonight. Perked up. I hit her with more cal/mag solution. A little of the Big Bloom and then sprayed her with a peroxide solution. Hope no more WPM shows up. Fingers crossed. I have a feeling she’s gonna start flower in the next couple days. Her top is just skipping the internodal spacing and going straight to growing more nodes instead. She’s also a little taller. About 7 inches tall now.

4 years ago


Balactus Figured out why she’s drooping in the morning. It’s getting too damn cold over night even with the lights on. Being in the garage is rough. I’m glad I only started with one seed. Warmer temps will stay consistent come March. By that time I will start a photo crop. Have lots of options but I think Critical Orange Punch is gonna be on that list for sure.

Day: 39


Mid evening update. Sticky traps. Check. Humidifier. Check. Perky plant? No she’s still droopy. All day. I watered her a couple days ago maybe less. I forget with checking so much. But leaves feel slightly dry. Not brittle. Under normal light everything looks normal. The lighting in the tent makes it look more lighter than it actually is. Humidity is slightly going up. Moved the humidifier closer and brought the thermostat probe at canopy level. Will check again in a few hours.

4 years ago

Day: 38


She is looking better. Temp in high 60s and RH still 15%. Pot still feels a little heavy so waiting till tomorrow to potentially water. Not sure what the droop was about. My guess is still the light was too much. New growth looks healthy. She’s so short. Wonder if the light being close is now keeping her from growing. If she is preflowering I just assumed a stretch would occur. Don’t know much about this strain.

4 years ago


NopeQQ Have the same Problem with too much light. Lower the light - 2 weeks Later all good. But the RH is crazy low. Lift the plant up and Put some water in the box.


Caliban Add a humidifier. I had similar challenges and a humidifier and a small heater made all the difference

Day: 38


Found powdery mildew for sure now. She’s also droopy again. I increased light last night by mistake. Surprised I didn’t see it last night if it was already there. I removed the leaf as carefully as I could as didn’t see it anywhere else yet and it’s a fan leaf blocking light anyways. I now know that aside from high humidity, poor airflow will also cause WPM. I didn’t realize how stocky she was. She is ready for higher airflow. I turned the fan on high and pointed the other fan that’s at light level to point down at the plant while also on the light for cooling. What should my next move be now? I didn’t see any other signs of WPM. Should I treat now? Or wait and see if it continues? I’m putting an order in for some supplies. Humidifier, sticky traps and now maybe a fungicide. I’m seeing mixed reviews tho. Afraid of burning my plant.

4 years ago


NovaCanee It’s better to be safe then sorry what stage are you in ? Did you flip 12/12 already? What’s the % average of your humidifier ? And you should have another inline fan if all vents are closed to provide a better air circulation if Not I’ll keep 2 vents open are as the fan go decision Ppl don’t know how crucial air flow is you should also look into getting Co2 Place it at the top of your grow tent the Co2 is thick so it will fall down onto plants giving it a better living environment help it thrive and grow


Balactus I believe she is still preflowering. Pistols are showing up at all the sites now and getting a little thicker and longer. But still not seeing any bud forming. RH is hella low cause I haven’t put in a humidifier yet. My inline has a fan controller on it. I had set to low to kind of maintain some heat in there since it’s located in the garage. I should turn that up now. There is an intake open at the bottom with some tubing going out. Then 2 clip fans. One at light level and the other at plant base level.


NovaCanee Your All Set Bro Your Recovery Should Be Great

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Day: 37


Came home to droopy leaves. Watered a couple days ago so don’t think overwatering. I’m wondering if she just hit the height she can’t take the light intensity at. Raised the light and lowered intensity by 10%. A bowl of water did nothing. RH is still sitting at 15%. Need to get that humidifier and sticky traps to have on standby.

4 years ago


dollface42 Hang a wet towel in tent after it’s been rung out or mist the plants and side of tent with water every so often. Always works Beautiful babies you got there ☮️ 🌱 ❤️

Day: 36


She’s chugging along. No signs of stress or anything that I can tell. Pot still feels like it has moisture. May water tomorrow afternoon or evening depending on how light it feels tomorrow. Smelly is getting very veggy when I open the tent. The hairs at the bud sites are getting longer and more prominent. I really wanna remove these 2 fan leaves but last removed a couple sets a few days ago. Don’t want to over do it. Temp was 72F with the same 15% humidity it’s been having. I may try hanging a wet towel over a try in there tonight and see if that does anything. Again she looks good to me otherwise.

4 years ago


Balactus Thanks man. Hoping for some good results.

Day: 35


Probably an unneeded update but I’m trying to do this everyday for my records. Some odd things on a couple leaves. The new ones coming in look fine. I don’t think she’s actually started really up taking what I gave her yet. To me looks like no real growth. The temperatures hit 80 today outside so she was sitting at about 79. When temps start staying consistently high I’ll turn up the inline fan to help cycle out that warm air and run the 2nd clip fan during night hours again. I took the wire off it which I’m annoyed if I knew she would be so short and stocky I would have just kept her straight. Having issues LST still. The shorter stems don’t feel pliable and are small so I’m afraid of snapping. Next grow I need to start LST at first opportunity. I’m also noticing at least one fungal gnat. Doesn’t mean an infestation. We have other plants inside the house that do have them. Will need to apply diatomaceous earth for protection and possibly purchase sticky traps.

4 years ago

Day: 34


I did an actual measure and she’s only about 5 inches. So as a first time grower I’ve read and regurgitated that they double their size when flowering. Does that mean she would be 10 inches tall from here assuming she started flowering this minute or would she be 15 inches? I’m just anxious for the next phase but at the same time hoping she gets much bigger before truly flowering. As you can see she had a haircut. I pinched off 3 sets of fan leaves of varying stages. I’m waiting for it to grow a bit more so I can tie down more. Her nodes are so close together. I’m sure she will need calmag. I have that coming in the mail tomorrow and the veg on Saturday I believe.

4 years ago

Day: 34

So it’s been a month since conception. It’s slow growing due to cold and I’m sure lack of humidity doesn’t help. The taotronics humidifier I ordered according to them won’t be ready to ship until 10-15 days. So looking for another. Humidity is at a poor 15%. I made some adjustments also. Since she’s preflowering I decided to experiment and go off of spider farms recommendation and lower the light to 18 inches above and also increase intensity to about 90%. Will check on it again in a couple hours to make sure no visible stress starting like cupping or curling. I also added its first dose of nutrients. A tablespoon of the Happy Tree Frog Fruit and Flower. I didn’t realize it had slow release N. Might work in my favor since have not fed. Also watered with cal/mag a half tsp per gallon. Fingers crossed. Can’t seem to train it much that I can tell in this position. It’s becoming short and thick so nothing to pull on.

4 years ago

Day: 33

So I removed one of the wires because it was kind of overlapping some growth. Since it’s an auto I’m wondering what I could get away with as far as defoliation. Getting these fan leaves blocking light but the nodes are too close together so I can’t effectively tie it down. I figured let her grow. White hairs are a little longer. Temps are staying lower than I’d like through the day. Not optimal whatsoever not to mention it’s hard to keep moisture in the air. Still waiting on humidifier. Ordered Cal-mag and some veg nutrients from Down to Earth, 4-4-4. I noticed the little hints of yellow happening on the edge and tips. Didn’t measure her but she’s maybe a generous 6 inches now. I’m still skeptical on the powdery mildew question. It’s dry in there and no filter for air intake so I’m curious if it’s just debris. Not seeing anything alarming but I’m watching it.

4 years ago


Balactus Good call I’ll do a little trimming. I just don’t want to harm my potential yield by doing any major snipping. I’d mainline a photo no problem otherwise. We are over a month in now. It’s a 80 day strain give or take. I’ll skip the topping but my next auto I will top early on. Thanks for the advice. The mildew idk. I was spraying during dark hours. Haven’t done that in about a week now. I did a big water last time and still letting it dry. The humidity otherwise stays well below the optimal. Still could be the big bloom just sitting.


sparky420 Like troy said, a leave getting snipped off isnt going to matter. As long as that plant can continue driving forwards it’ll just make more leaves. I know I’ll catch shit for it but once i have plenty of side branches and an even canopy, I’ll remove 90% of the bigger fan leaves just before the last stretch. She wants to live so she’ll find a way.


Balactus I love hearing what people do differently. I think the standard is never removing some percentage of foliage overall but the fan leaves I think while big won’t hurt to remove. I just snipped off the first set of leaves followed by the first and second set of fan leaves. All the new growth was starting to stretch looking for light. I’m totally gonna mainline my next crop. I’ve seen some results before.

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Day: 32

Did a little LST again. She is starting to show more steady growth. I did find a weird spot that almost looks gold or rusty. The other spots that I thought may be powdery mildew aren’t getting any worse nor spreading to the neighboring leaves thus far. Wondering if I should just cut off that fan leaf or let it roll. I’m not sure what to expect as this is my first grow. She has the long white hairs so I’m anticipating buds. The fan speed controller is really nice. I’ve kept it at low since the full is 400cfm. I don’t need that much so by lowering it, the somewhat warmish air that is in there isn’t cycled out as quickly. I’ve changed the 2nd clip fan above to blow across the light but also turn off when the light is off. If or when the plant reaches a certain height I may either have to get another one or just have one blow across canopy and one below for air circulation.

4 years ago


greengrowlady She’s looking good. 🌱


justincase That gold looks a bit like nute burn? Strange


Balactus Appreciate the feedback.

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Day: 30

More new growth. Sorry I’m not posting only milestones. Always amazed with new growth. She’s very small as you can see. I would have guessed genetics but I think it’s more attributed to the cold weather and inconsistent environment. The light is fairly intense. Set to 60 percent on the SF2000. I’m hoping she’s just extremely healthy. But the low temps has me doubting that. She looks good otherwise. Today or tomorrow will need another drink. She is showing her sex on all old and new nodes coming in from what I can see. Will add flowering nutes after a couple more watering a since the soil has barely been tapped with how small she is. On the flip her roots could also be blowing up. I just got a fan speed controller as well as patched more light leaks in prep for future photos.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Last watered 2/12. More growth on top. Nodes are very close together possibly due to cold temperatures sitting consistently around 60 since start of grow with some reaching 70. Lowest 54. Ordered humidifier. First signs of sex also shown. Also signs of possible powdery mildew. Undeterminable atm due to possible residue from previous Big Bloom foliar feed.

4 years ago


matishans It’s not PM it’s just residue from your spray. You’ll often see it in flower but very rarely in early veg like this unless your running really high RH which I don’t suspect you are of you’re offering a humidifier.

Day: 28


Reason for auto is it’s a first grow. Looking for an idiot proof way to build some experience while also minimizing risk of failure. This tent is in a garage. Temps at night have ranged from low 50s to typically around mid 60s. While sitting around 70s during the day. RH has been on average 30. Plan to add humidifier. Will also add cooling once warmer weather starts. I’m not sure but the cold may have stunted her growth or at the very least slow growth overall. Last watered with PHd distilled and 1 tbsp per gallon of Big Bloom on 1/12. Just installed high cfm kit from Gorilla Grow to stop negative pressure sucking in walls.

4 years ago


CraigBengfort I would get a heater or something in there temps that cold will stunt or completely stop growth


CraigBengfort You need to average around 75-80 durning the day and 68-72 at night