Peanut Butter Breath Grow Journal
Summer 20
48x48x72 Grow Tent 🏕 basement set up.. my sister's plant she dropped it off to me after I put my tent together... I believe it was at about 4 weeks of life outside of a grow tent on a window sill.. So only getting about 8-12 hrs of sunlight if that.. so when I received Daisy I put her under my LED grow light on a 24 hr 75% intensity level lighting schedule on the vegative setting because that's the stage I believe she's at...with a temperature between 79-86 degrees Fahrenheit with the humidity at 60%.. Daisy came in at about 91/2" tall in a small pot we transplanted her into a 7 gallon fabric pot but the soil isn't too the top so it's more like a 3 gallon pot...
Peanut Butter Breath
Day 7 (Week 1)
4 updates
4 photos
Day: 7

Today Daisy grew about 1 more inch and a half...her soil was a little dry on the top I stuck my finger in the soil to my knuckle and it was still damp I think I'm gonna water her tomorrow.. That would be the third day I'm trying to keep her on a 3 day watering schedule.. temp was about 82 degrees at about 57% humidity
5 years ago
Day: 6

Today Daisy grew to be a full foot tall... I have been blasting her with sunlight since she's arrived due to the fact that she started as a windowsill plant 🎍 she's still in the vegetative setting on my light I give her 50%-70% intensity during the day (because I can't control the temp properly) and 100% at night from 12am-6am
5 years ago
Day: 5

The plant came in at 93/4 inches tall so far she's grown since she's been in the tent I got her in the vegative setting on my LED light on hot days I go between 25%-50% intensity if it's a rainy humid day 75%-100% because I can't property control the temperature at the moment her soil was dry today so it's time for her first water in the fabric pot since she was transplanted I gave her half a bottle on that day today she got a bottle and a half
5 years ago
Day: 1

This is the first picture I received of Daisy before she was put into my tent I'm thinking she's about 3 weeks old in this picture she is in a 1 gallon clay pot
5 years ago