
3x3 grow

Spring 2024

Two blue dream and 2 melon gelato under 180w mars hydro

Blue dream & melon gelato

Day 105 (Week 15)

10 updates

10 photos

Day: 105

Week 7 flower

2 months ago


Leland3471 Lookin really nice!

Day: 99

Week 6 flower

2 months ago

hmazz End of week 6 start of week 7

Day: 94

Starting to fade out

2 months ago

Day: 88

Week 4&5

3 months ago

Day: 81

Week 4 flower

3 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack Looking good in there

godwithanextra Looking good… what sort of containment setup are you running there?

Day: 75

End week 3 Melon gelato is stinking up like ripe honeydew

3 months ago

Buoy413 👍🏻

Day: 70

Week 3 flower

3 months ago

Day: 67

Stripped fan leaves and lowers

3 months ago

Day: 63

Week 2 of flower

3 months ago


Spyderbug Looking amazing, nice job on your Srog

Day: 58

Week after flip

4 months ago