

Closet grow

Medical Grow

Super Skunk in a 5 gal pot, in a 2’x2’ scrog, under a 1000w, in Happy Frog soil.

Super Skunk

Day 61 (Week 9)

5 updates

19 photos

Day: 61

Just a dense grower. 3 weeks and we smokin! 💨

4 years ago

bergs Nice

Day: 58


Painted the closet today. Trying to get the light bouncing everywhere better. Getting an SF-2000 to replace these lights for next go around. Saturday-Sunday is harvest day.

4 years ago

Day: 52

Added another tripod light. It seems to be doing ok with these smaller lights for now. Couple night shots. Anyway, how’s the frost coming along? 🥶

4 years ago

📀Golden Ratio 📀

📀Golden Ratio 📀 Looking good 😌 Healthy and green


Medicated420 Thanks man! It smells amazing! 👃 💨

Day: 50


Decided to wait till a day into week 7 to give this girl her last feeding. 6.5 pH water from here on out. Getting some good stacking and some sugar! 🥶

4 years ago

Day: 46

Half my LED lights aren’t working so I had to add the tripod lol. Getting cal/mag and bloom tomorrow. Monday starts week 7! Stay frosty my friends. ❄️

4 years ago

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 For half a panel looks 🔥 A.F - wonder how that gonna smell like after drying and curing for a month 🔥🔥🔥


KushGod401 ❄️❄️❄️❄️