
Backup Breeder

April 6 clone taken

Flowering Clone or Monster Clone Taken from the underbelly of a White Widow plant halfway through flower. 4 taken. Need 2 for breeding and hopefully two for the next grow cycle. Will experiment with clones in hydro and soil simultaneously.

Clone of White Widow

Day 121 (Week 18)

26 updates

53 photos

Day: 121

Seeds seeds the magical fruit, the more you plant the more you toot, the more you toot the better you feel, so let’s smoke weed with every meal!! (Its a work in progress) Over 70 seeds total! Plus a half jar of some pretty damn good finger shredded ganja! Not bad for a first breeding. There are a couple of green ones in there, plus a couple tiny ones, but most are dark tan to dark brown and decent sized. All passed the crushing fingers test :). I’ll be germinating 5 or 6 in about a month. Let’s hope they grow and we can call the White Widow genetics saved for future grows

6 years ago

Day: 117

Flower Day : 70 Due to marital threats (flowering in non smell reducing environment) I cut her down. Buds were definitely ready but I’m still waiting to see if the seeds develop. I plucked one and it was light green and crushed easily, but I did see tiny lil leaves inside so they may be viable. We shall see. Forgot to dump out the other two piles from this multi harvest but not a bad haul for seedy bud in a tiny pot 🤙

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 What was the final weight dried?

wiffybead Just over 17g after removing seeds, stems, and however much I smoked already :). Not bad for a wee lil plant

Day: 113


Flower Day : 65 Chopped the top. There’s a few seeds on the top buds but not many. Buds are gorgeous and heavy. Small haul but pretty happy considering her lack of attention and the tiny pot. I’m going to let the bottom buds develop for about a week or two until I’m certain the seeds have developed as fully as they are going to. Edit - The small pile on the left is the drying material of the branch that snapped off on flower day 61

6 years ago

Day: 109


Flower Day : 61/65 Catastrophe!! Disaster!! Well it’s kind of a bad thing. Took her out to water and as soon as I turn my back, the top heavy bitch falls! One branch fell on top of a chair back and snapped :(. It’s not completely evil as I was planning on chopping her down on day 65 anyway. First plant (from seed) I took on day 54. Second plant (clone of first) I took on day 61. I’ll take this girl (clone of clone)at 65. Trimmed buds and popped in a paper bag for the dry.

6 years ago

Day: 105


Flower Day : 56/? She will not be ready by day 60. She may go as long as 10 weeks. Buds are getting way too heavy for those skinny branches. She has that wet sugar look right now. Pretty sexy. Seeds are still ensconced in their pods. I’m really hoping they can mature into some decent seeds. Always with the waiting!!

6 years ago

Day: 100

Flower Day : 52/~60 Last feeding today. She’s seems to be a little behind so she should get a nice flush. Did have to tie her to a rod to keep those tops from falling over. I dig it Totally stealth pollinated her! Lol. I had been checking the tops of leaves on the converted plant but was seeing 0 pollen. Well looks like some snuck out somewhere because I’ve got 2 to 3 seed pods on each bud. Sweeet. Was never so happy to be growing seedy bud. Plucked one seed pod to verify it actually had something inside. Light green seed :). Needs time to develop but it looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

7 years ago

Day: 97

Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster Batman! Is the breeding program a success?!?! Seriously is it? Am I looking at proper seed pods with potential little seeds inside? Or am I looking at swollen calyxes? Upper left and bottom right look like seed pods with a split in the skin. Someone in the know please let me know. I would very much like to just grow the few clones of her I have left and move onto another strain while at the same time saving the White Widow genetics. Yes I’m greedy but I’m ok with it :)

7 years ago

ProjectDreamland Looks like seeds to me. I’m no expert, but I think you’re spot on. Smart idea keeping your genetics around.

wiffybead Ooooh I hope so! Decent bud and seeds?!? Yay! As far as saving the genetics go....yeah, I want a pretty epic collection of strains to choose from so plan on trying to make seeds from each proper strain I grow.

Day: 96


Flower Day : 48 Top buds are looking very nice (considering how little care was provided to her) and I’m definitely going to harvest the top buds. I’m greedy. I’ll try rodelization with the lower buds. I’d like to start the flush in about 5 days but the pistils are still very very white and the trichomes are still showing plenty of clear.

7 years ago

ProjectDreamland Those top buds do look nice. What a little beast.

Day: 89


Flower Day : 40 She’s trucking along nicely. Buds look good but are a bit fluffy. No pollination has occurred yet.

7 years ago

Day: 79

Flower Day : 31 She’s developing some decent top buds, but once again she’s supposed to be bred upon. If she doesn’t get seeded she is going to be light and fluffy. She’s got 1 23 watt bulb above her and two more about 6 inches away. Not enough light for a decent harvest. This is also why she is so lanky with large node gaps. Well if her mate does not pollinate her, I may just let her go through rodelization since the harvest will be weak anyway.

7 years ago

Day: 68

She is coming along nicely. Still not bred upon. Tho she has some nice budsites forming. I’m really hoping I harvest seeds and not bud tho. Her mate has massive colas of pollen sacs but no pollen.

7 years ago

Day: 62


Flower Day - 14 She’s a bit stretchy but she’s growing nicely. Got some decent button buds going. I’ve got her intertwined with the “male” in hopes that he drops some actual pollen instead of all these damned empty pollen sacs. Upgraded her pot size to just over 1/2 gallon pot.

7 years ago

Day: 56


Flower Day - 8 She is rather big for the tiny lil pot she’s in. One quart pot. Or a quarter gallon pot. Glorified solo cup. Her box mates pods are opening empty and she’s still too young to breed...probably...I really don’t know. I’ll be hitting the books tonight to see when they are primed for the boom shaka laka. Plenty of unopened pods, just hoping they are filled with pollen instead of air.

7 years ago

Day: 49

She’s really starting to get dressed up. She seems to be enjoying that nutrient infused coco. I’ve got a few plants in coco and I have to say I’m enjoying it. Less messy than soil and seems to hold water better. I actually have soil, coco, and DWC grows going right now. I’ll be interested in seeing which I like best after this round.

7 years ago

Day: 48

She is growing nicely. Went ahead and plucked all single blade leaves and all mutated leaves. She is under a flowering light schedule right now and the plant I am reversing using colloidal silver has started producing balls. So this girl may get bred first instead of as a backup.

7 years ago

Day: 45

Nice new growth coming out of the bud site. Pretty decent looking leaves too. Not too mutated like other monster clones tend to be. Funny seeing the trichomes popping up on her. She’s a bit indecisive and doesn’t realize that I am begging her. She’s coming around tho. 1/4 strength Maxi Grow and CalMag

7 years ago

Day: 44

She’s a wild and carazy lady. She’s in a pretty small pot with no real option for a larger one at this time, so she’s probably going to end up being pretty small. She’s a backup breeder so not a big concern.

7 years ago

Day: 41

This strain or this rooting process is slooooooow to root. But it gets there! Nice roots formed. Rinsed the soil from the roots and planted in a 1/4 gallon pot with coco coir. Watered with 1/4 strength Maxi Grow and CalMag

7 years ago

Day: 41

She is one gnarly looking plant!! She is finally throwing some 3 ginger leaves of the appropriate shape and texture. I’m beginning to pluck the lower funky leaves.

7 years ago

Day: 35

She still hasn’t popped any true leaves yet. Always interesting seeing which mutations pop up with flowering clones. She is growing well despite the freakish growth.

7 years ago

Day: 31

Abandoned the cup and hydroton and went with soil. Time will tell. The one on the right has been in stasis since she was taken. Hopefully more is going on under the soil than there is above it. Girl on the left is adorable. Her fan leaves died but she’s just surviving with those lil undeveloped ones. Hope she makes it

7 years ago

Day: 20

Death. Pretty sure both of them died. I trimmed the stalk again on one, reapplied growth hormones and replanted in a new plug. Who knows. Just in case I took 2 clones off of a clone from the original mother. The first rooted plant needs someone to breed with.

7 years ago


gabedn Were the old 2 getting nutes? Never seen a stalk yellow like that maybe they just hungry

wiffybead Pretty sure it was waterlogged. Never used these for cloning before and didn’t realize how well they held onto water. My regular humidity misting isn’t necessary for these apparently and I’m pretty sure they drowned.

Day: 15

2 out and two to go. The two remaining look like they are ready to go...to the mulch pile. Oi they look awful. Was way too much water in their plugs. Wrung then out gently and redeposited in a drier container. They are leaning towards the light so hopefully that’s a good sign. Crossing my fingers. Started a separate journal for the other two clones.

7 years ago

Day: 11


Rooooooooots!! Well one has roots. The rest are just chillin. Except for the one that didn’t have her leaves shortened. Her fan leaves are going very yellow. Home made grow bucket. I’ll be trying to veg two plants in this water jug. They will be separated in flower. 1/4 nutes and 1/4 calmag. Trying to keep em small (they are monster clones) and breed them. Funny that the smallest clone rooted the fastest.

7 years ago

Day: 7

Some leaf discoloration but no roots yet. Pistils have all turned a dark orange. Gave them a bit more hydroton to make sure they don’t dry out

7 years ago

Day: 0

Started 4 clones from plant halfway through flower. Started in rooting pods resting on hydroton. Debudded one clone to see if budsite makes a difference in growth. Will be moving two to a DWC setup and hopefully the other two will make it to soil mediums.

7 years ago