First grow, planned scrog
First grow
Two Deep Chunk/Sour Diesel clones. 32x32 tent 600w led light
Deep Chunk/Sour Diesel
Day 5 (Week 1)
4 updates
7 photos
Day: 5

Trimmed a little bit of some dried leaves, also chopped at an angle to promote root growth. Humidity is much better now, added a humidifier. Struggling to keep temp and humidity level, have to keep switching exhaust fan on and off
5 years ago
Day: 2

Still see some damage, optimistically hoping for transplant stress and nice recovery. Added a heater to get temp up a bit, humidity sank. Added a bowl of water to see if that helps.
5 years ago
JuiceCobain Those 3 way soil testers do not work. water your plant until runoff and check the ph of the runoff with a Digital Ph tester.
Day: 1

Using SoHum living soil
5 years ago
Day: 1

Day 1, one plant has some yellow from the store Other plant looks healthier
5 years ago