Day 21
Day 21
It’s been a week since I entered notes but today I topped one of my plants. It’s been about 3 full weeks since i planted these ladies. Last week I replanted them to larger pots. Last night and today are my first full days of using a full spectrum 1000 watt grow light on my girls. Tried it before but it was too early. Decided based off my readings to use both the red and blue for the light. I have the light a little less than 24 inches due to the lack of heat the light is producing. I’m not worried about burning my girls. I also contribute the intensity of keeping them on lights at times for 24 hours during the seedling stage to how strong they are now. I last watered last Thursday with ph balanced water. I ordered off amazon molasses and it will be here tomorrow. I will not water till tomorrow so I can use some of this molasses. I like giving these girls 6 days between watering as it allows the roots to search out and build up. The soil after 6 days still isn’t that dry up top either that’s why I’m not stressing it that much by waiting another day.
Day 21
Day 21 (Week 3)
1 update
7 photos
Day: 21

Day 21
6 years ago