Larry OG (from clone)
Spring 2019
Organic Closet Sized First Grow from Clone - 36x20x62 Tent, 1 Gal pot, Organic soil (foxfarm) and nutrients (Terp Tea) and Great white and Mykos for transplant and root development, 300 watt (2x150) LED COB as well as a 100 watt multi colored LED (for lower temps)
Larry OG
Day 14 (Week 2)
6 updates
10 photos
Day: 14
Low stress training is going good and she’s spreading out better now so all the leaves can get light
6 years ago
Day: 9
Gave molasses and half liter of water and a bit of myko, great white also topped a few days ago and today doing some low stress training
6 years ago
Day: 6
Cut top off to attempt to clone another seeing how that goes for learning purposes
6 years ago
Day: 4
24 hours of light in order to switch the time of the night cycle to 1-7pm. Some New leaves are beginning to grow. Noticed slight yellow spots on a few leaves might have to keep an eye on that
6 years ago
Day: 2
18/6 light cycle (the temp accidentally got a little high and humidity ran kind of low but lesson learned and working on preventing these issues) also Lamp accidentally switched to red (bloom color) for a few hours today 😅
6 years ago
Day: 1
Starting from a clone and transplanted to 1 gal pot with some Great White for roots no nutrients yet (except for what fox farm soil already has)
6 years ago