
Black Destroyer


Black destroyer grown in 5 gallon bucket using last years soil and general organic nutrients with 400w hps

Black Destroyer

Day 160 (Week 23)

9 updates

34 photos

Day: 160

This plant is a beast

5 years ago

Day: 143

Starting to smell dank

5 years ago

Day: 132

Looking forward to seeing how this plant comes out..

5 years ago

Day: 131


Stacking Beautifully

5 years ago

Day: 130


Week 3 of bloom

5 years ago

Day: 129

Looks great

5 years ago

Day: 128


Plant looks great.. starting to put on weight

5 years ago

Day: 127


72°F with a rh of 43% atm

5 years ago

Day: 126

Letting the plant air out.. soil is awful but I’m making it work.. temps are 70-75 with lights on an 65-68 with lights off.. rh is 46% atm but sometimes drops down to 35%

5 years ago