Orange Skunk
Looking forward to this one!
Super soil mix (Fox Farm and Ocean Forrest 20/20 blend, 30% Perlite, 20% worm castings, bone meal, egg shell, kelp meal, dolomite lime, epsom salt, potash, biochar, DynoMyco. In solo cups, to 1 gallon to 5 gallon air pruning pots.
Homegrown Cannabis Company Orange Skunk
Day 22 (Week 4)
2 updates
5 photos
Day: 22

Upped her to her final 7 gallon fabric pot, my first. Topped her last night and will start bending her in earnest in the next few days. Looking to flip late June for a September 1st-ish harvest.
10 months ago
Day: 11

She’s popping off leaves and headed for a one gallon pot this week!
a year ago