
Auto Orange Cookies

Fall 2018

Two orange cookies growing in fabric pots. Using general hydroponics trio and fox farm happy frog soil. All my plants are in a 4x4 Apollo Horticulture tent. Everything is grown under three different full spectrum less.

Auto orange cookies

Day 67 (Week 10)

15 updates

33 photos

Day: 67


Super fat/dense buds! This plant will be harvested in the next few days to a week! Really terpy! She should be well over 2oz’s dry

6 years ago

Day: 63


Look at this beauty! Well over 3ft, her and her sister are definitely heavy weights. For autoflowers, I’m very impressed! Bulking up like a champ and just as frosty!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Yea looking good!

Day: 57

Same as the other orange cookies, this plant has amazed me! I thought all the sites were going to be “popcorn” sites. I was wrong! They are really starting to put on weight and density! Running 18/6 under a 1200w full spectrum led!

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz They look great bro 👌

Ma_Autoflowers413 I appreciate it! They had me worried for a while because of the small bud sites, but they’re doing amazing and bulking up a lot! 🙏🙏


Ducatiboy Hell yahh!!! You’re right on schedule!

Day: 54

My tallest girl! Standing over 3ft. Same as my other orange cookies, she’s still on flower nutes! Power feeding like crazy! Running 18/6 under a 1200w full spectrum led!

6 years ago

Wzrd I’m interested in growing for the first time and I wanna grow autos but I’m just concerned about the smell as I am growing in my closet apartment? Good idea or no lol

Ma_Autoflowers413 Absolutely a good idea. See, the great thing about auto’s are that you can keep them short and stout. The smell is going to be a factor, but If you keep the grow small the smell shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Day: 50


Another great strain! This plant is standing just over 2 1/2 feet. Another heavy feeder. Small bud site with room to bulk. Running 18/6 under 1200w full spectrum led. She’s starting to get frosty as well!

6 years ago

Day: 43


Last but not least, my other Auto Orange cookies . She’s doing the exact same as the other one. Definitely the same phenotype. She’s standing about 2 feet tall. Heavy power feeder. Running 18/6 under a 1200w full spectrum led.

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Niiiiccceeeeee!!!!

Ma_Autoflowers413 Thanks homie👊

Day: 40

This auto is standing just about 2 feet tall and she’s also very leafy! She’s definitely a heavy feeder! Currently running 18/6 under 1200w full spectrum LED.

6 years ago

Day: 33

Same as my other Auto Orange Cookies this plant is doing great! About 18” y’all and about the same width! Running 18/6 under 1200w full spectrum led!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Them bitches are highe!!!


Ducatiboy Huge i meant. Good work!

Day: 28

This plant is starting to show sex! She had a little mishap but bounced right back with no issues. She’s running 18/6 under 1200w full spectrum led!

6 years ago

Day: 21

This plant is doing great as well! She didn’t show any stress when topped! She’s definitely looking good! More to come!

6 years ago

Day: 18

Lol this one had a little accident. I let my wife top her and she accidentally cut a fan leaf off! Good thing she didn’t even notice. She’s doing very well! Also 1/2 gallon of nutes!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Dope strain! Subbed in!

Ma_Autoflowers413 Have you grown it out?


Ducatiboy Yup its nice! You’ll enjoy it!! As long as you keep her happy.

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Day: 15

This plant is growing at a regular pace for an auto. She’s in 3 gallon fabric pot. Grown in fox farm happy frog soil! I started giving the general hydroponics trio nutrients 12 days ago! All my plants are under three different full spectrum leds!

6 years ago

Day: 8

This other OC is 2 1/2 inches tall and is growing under 18/6 with nutrients.

6 years ago

Day: 6

I think I’m a fan of these orange cookies. They are strong little Fuckers. Pretty resilient as well. Growing quite vigorously. They both are a couple inches and being ran under 18/6

6 years ago

Day: 3

So far so good! Really can’t complain! She’s growing like she should be!

6 years ago