
Mephisto grow

Spring 2024

SMC, mango smile, alien vs triangle

Auto flowers

Day 73 (Week 11)


6 updates

9 photos

Day: 73


Had some deficiencies early in flower probably won’t be able to push then as far as I’d want but aiming for another 2-3weeks

3 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack FYI the deficiencies are starting to appear in the sugar leaves, after the sugar leaves it’s the buds. Something is off in the root zone with a combination of to much light. 

hmazz Yeah I assume I locked them out with too much salt buildup. Just gonna push them as far as I can before the buds are effected


BobbyGrowMoBack I can walk you through your next grow but I’d recommend using Coco instead of soil.

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Day: 67

Week 4

3 months ago

hmazz Start week 5

Day: 62

Week 4 nutrients

3 months ago

Day: 55

Start of Week 3 flower

3 months ago

Day: 50

Week 2 flower

4 months ago

Day: 47

End of week 1 flower

4 months ago