
Blue Dream Auto - Humboldt Seeds

Winter 2019

Blue dream Auto 5x5 tent 440cfm exhaust into large basement Hlg 600 equivalent DIY Tent has a run off tilt inside on the bottom for easy cleaning LST only FFHP 10% perlite for 1 gal FFOF 20% perlite for 7 gal fabric pot FFTrio for nutrients liquid BloomCity Cal-Mag liquid PH tap water with Dye for PH testing

Auto Blue Dream

2 updates

5 photos

Day: 0


Seedling day 1 - Distilled water, Plastic bag closed, paper towel, on modem in desk compartment.

6 years ago

Day: 0

Running baselines on new tent setup Michigan basement -unfinished but insulated - exhaust fan 50% - 2 of 3 vents open on bottom of tent - light draw 650w -dehumidifier off -24hrs

6 years ago