

Summer 2020 (COVID grow)

Started from seed and transplanted into her current container, in which I drilled air holes for the roots around the entire circumference of the pot and tie-down holes for LST around the rim of the container. I am transplanting her into her final home this weekend, which will be a 10-gallon fabric pot by Spring Pots. The planting medium will be a mixture of Nature’s Living Soil (Original) and FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil in the bottom 1/3 of the container, with the remainder of the pot being filled with Ocean Forest, perlite, and fresh worm castings from the red wrigglers I use in my Hungry Bin vermicomposting bin. Slight changes may be made based on how she reacts to the planned setup. I will keep posting as long as I am able to do so!

Grapeonade (Indica-dominant hybrid)

Day 151 (Week 22)

48 updates

549 photos

Day: 151


She’s trying to limp to the finish line! Fed her a gallon of h₂O w/ 1/4 tsp Beastie Bloomz, 1 tsp Grandma’s Molasses, and 1/2 tsp Cal-Mag+ yesterday around 5:30p. Also gave 1 galllon distilled water with no feed on Thur (Oct 29). The ppm on the runoff was around mid- to high 800s. The pH was ~6.4

4 years ago

Day: 141


Fed this afternoon with two gallons h₂O mixed with 4 Tbsp FF Big Bloom, 1 tsp BD Microbe Brew, 1 tsp BD Root Drench, 1 tsp Cal-Mag Plus, ¼ tsp FF Beastie Bloomz, and 1 Tbsp molasses.

4 years ago

Day: 137


She is beating the odds! After breaking yet another branch and surviving, I found little greenish caterpillars on a few leaves last week. They make a little hammock out of the leaf by rolling it like a taco and fixing it in position with silk. I ordered some Monterey B.t. (Bacillus thuringiensis) spray from Amazon and gave her a good spray with it. Only downside is that it left a heavy white residue when it dried. Haven’t seen another caterpillar 🐛 yet, though🤞🏼! The bud sites are popping up everywhere and the existing buds are fattening up quite nicely! Fed her a gallon and a half of RO water with ½ tsp Cal-Mag Plus, ⅛ tsp FF Beastie Blooms, and 1 Tbsp Grandma’s molasses. The humidity has gone down considerably lately. Partly due to the weather changing and partly because I now have a dehumidifier in the room. It has stayed under 70% almost all the time and under 60% sometimes. Will continue to update as she grows!!! 🙏🏼

4 years ago

Day: 131

Fan fell. Broke branch. Plant damaged. Very badly. Might die. I’m upset. Fuck life.

4 years ago

DoctorG It’s okay bro! It happens! Don’t let it hurt you

Camabis Thanks brother 🙏🏼 She bounced back!😀

Day: 125


SHE’S BACK!!! After the flush, and letting her try to use the nutrients in the soil for a few days, she is in “the stretch” and is visibly growing. Signs of flowering are already showing, but I decided to save the first pics of flowering sites for a picture-worthy occasion, so I’ll post the first real pistils that sneak out. I did give her a shower with FF Flowers Kiss at 3p today, but I don’t think that will cause an issue since it’s mostly micronutrients that are immobile and she needs those. I also put three wooden stakes under the pot to get the bottom off the ground and allow salts and excess water to drain off without the root tips sitting in it and burning. Overall...the new growth is greener, the once bare nodes that were left after defoliation are growing like crazy, and the height of the plant is increasing rapidly (3” in 4 days). I am going to take a light-handed approach until she shows a need for macros when flowering gets going good so I don’t ruin it by stunting or toxing her during flowering. Here’s to the Little Plant That Could 🌱 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼 *** I know she’s drooping, but the leaves are dripping wet after a foliar feed. I’ll try to get some pics when she dries.

4 years ago

Day: 121


Gave her first 12-hour sleep to her last night. Woke up to a slight progression of the undiagnosed condition I noticed recently in the plant. It affects the lower leaves more frequently and much more destructively. The tips curl and yellow, then brown to a crisp, with the margins turning brown at the tips of the leaf serrations and interveinal chlorosis (or what looks like it) starts to appear. At the next stage, the browning and crisping of the margin increases and parts of the leaf blade bordering the necrotized leaf tissue turns yellow and eventually brown and dies. It also seemed to be associated with downward clawing of many of the affected leaves, but not sure of the connection since many leaves without the margin issue still had clawing. Most all new growth appears normal, though the newest tops are a light lime green, and there are a couple leaves at the top of the canopy exhibiting slight manifestations of the symptoms present in the lower fans. After much searching, I diagnosed it as nutrient lockout caused by accumulation of salts due to feeding and not leaching. I decided to perform a light flush to leach some of the salts from the medium and bring the ppm down, as well as raise the pH, since I performed a half-assed soil slurry pH test and got 5.7, which is TOO LOW! Since it seemed to be pretty bad, I added FoxFarm Sledgehammer to two of the four gallons of distilled water I chose to use and pH’d all gallons to 7.0 since the medium was so acidic and it would definitely bring the 7.0 down to the 6s. After putting the four gallons through, there was lots of runoff, which I could not collect because... I FORGOT TO BRING A VESSEL TO COLLECT IT IN! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anyway... after waiting several hours, the plant’s leaves felt cool and leathery instead of dry and crispy. The Nature’s Living Soil May have needed the soaking to activate the microherd for the roots, not to mention the salts that surely got washed away with the flush. Hope the roots are enjoying their new environment! 🙏🏼

4 years ago

Day: 120


Well guys... it hasn’t been a good week or two here at the COVID-19 Frankengrow of 2020. First, I totally raped and molested a main branch until it was hanging by a piece of cellulose that you could read a book through because I chose to stand up quickly with the plant in my firm grasp after neglecting to check that I had cut ALL of the wire twist ties that were training the stalks. ALL BUT ONE. And that had to be the biggest or second biggest branch on the plant 😳. Then, after repairing that (successfully, I believe), I burned it with an ill-advised 1/3 strength dose of PK (FF Open Sesame). Don’t know what’s going on with her now, but the first several pics are going to show the general state of the bottom level fans, which I stripped the bottom 1/3 and all larf sites and may have contributed to stress-induced lockout or something else that was stress-induced. Trying to get her on the right track with some help from some people on a site called ILGM. They are super helpful and they sell amazing seeds. I haven’t grown them yet, but I’ve seen pics of the results of their genetics, and it’s incredible!

4 years ago

Day: 115


Moved her indoors under the new HLG QB-288 V2 135w R-spec, which also has 16 Osram deep red LEDs which emit 660nm red light to increase yield and potency and will be your best asset in the flowering stage. I have moved my two LED bulbs w/reflectors to the auxiliary position to hit the outer branches’ potential bud sites. Here are some pics after she was defoliated for the first time; I know she has to have more leaves pinched, but I’m going to give her a day or two because she was looking a little sad last night and many of her fans (especially LOWER ones) developed crispy brown tips almost overnight. Here’s the setup if anyone can help: 1) unknown strain (photo period) 2) final home: 10-gal SmartPot 3) SOIL: Nature’s Living Soil (bottom third of pot. FFOF fills the remainder. Layer of Perlite on top. 4) was hybrid indoor/outdoor plant but she has grown too large to make that feasible. Now permanent indoors. 5) lighting: MAIN is HLG QB-288 V2 135v R-spec kit (20-24” hang height). Auxiliary lights are two Feit Electric LED grow bulbs with aluminum reflectors. They are lighting the edges of the canopy. 6) She is on 16-8 right now because I took her there first to minimize chance of going hermie. Will flower as soon as she recovers from fan defoliation AND two ~3/8” diameter sucker branches from the bottom that I had to prune to get those growth hormones delivered to the bud sites and not a branch that’s laying on the ground, not producing, and sucking your nutes, hormones, and carbs away from your future bud sites! Here are the pics...

4 years ago

Day: 114


Received my Horticultural Lighting Group (HLG) 135w Quantum Board-288 V2 Rspec LED Kit yesterday and got it put up. It is AWESOME! Doing some low branch removal and defoliation today in prep for the flip that should be happening as soon as she recovers from the assault. This light is the BOMB 💣!!! Also...the three clones are doing awesome in tap water and water bottles with a strip of paper towel wrapped around the clone to keep her suspended in place. Roots starting to grow from the split stems in the middle of the split on all three. Lighting for mama is supplemented by the two clamp-on LED light/reflector combos from Feit Electric. The HLG board is amazing! The diodes are BRIGHT! The kicker is: they accidentally sent me a Bspec originally and I was set to flip her the next day and had to wait til Monday before HLG even opened (it was Sat lunchtime), so I sent them an email about my situation on Sat, and when I checked my emails Monday AM around 7:30, HLG had already sent me a reply letting me know there was a correct Rspec otw via UPS Next Day and to keep the Bspec board! TOP NOTCH CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! Check these guys out for lights; they are amazing! Made in USA with quality components (Samsung diodes, Mean Well driver, slate aluminum aircraft quality heatsink, etc.) and the customer service... well, you just read about that. Anyhoo... time to get to chopping my girl up so I can put some trichomes on her sometime soon! Btw... found a few really cool insect friends in the yard connected to a tree by a flowering bush today; two orb spiders and I think a juvenile redback, but not sure 🤔

4 years ago

Day: 111


Just a few pics after breaking a main branch a few days ago 😞. It was the largest branch in diameter and was also basically the apical bud, even though the real one was topped LONG ago! I had tied the branches apart to shine some light into the middle of the canopy to strengthen the couple weaker branches in the middle. I used long cut pieces of rubber-coated wire and tied one end to a branch and secured it to whatever was nearest. Well... I picked it up after cutting and removing all the lines and stood up to back through the door with the heavy (heavier than usual?) girl. KKKKRRRRRAKKKK!!! I immediately made the call to sit the pot down and deduce the issue. I had neglected to remove the shortest, most important wire, which happened to be directly on the opposite side of the main branch and, therefore, kinda out of sight. Then... HLG sends me the wrong fucking light a day before I was scheduled to start flowering!!! I got a B spec board instead of the R spec I ordered. Weather is just getting worse and worse and I’m having to figure out how to keep this thing manageable until they manage to get me the correct board (when 🤷🏻‍♂️?) and I can finally let her bloom. I found a juvenile leaffoted bug and a little pinkish bug (at least the goo was pink) that was unidentifiable. Anyway... I sprayed the wounded plant’s open wound with hydrogen peroxide, wrapped it very tightly with painter’s tape, followed by that same rubber-coated wire that almost tore her arm off wrapped in a tightly-conforming spiral winding around the entire area of the break and securing it tightly. The last layer is some VERY THICK duct tape that would’ve been enough by itself, but I’m not taking chances this far in. I put a couple duct tape supports on the affected branches to keep them from swaying to much. I pointed out the secondary branches coming off the damaged branch with my fingers so you can tell how they’re responding. I put my thumb (I’m 6’5”) in front of the broken branch so you can see how thick it is. Hope she pulls through... she’s getting a little too big to get through the doorways without tying the branches, and I don’t trust their condition or integrity right now. About to Neem Oil the leaves one time to ensure a little protection and wait until they get right with the light 💡. 🤞🏼 [EDIT] I pruned a bottom sucker branch hoping it would redistribute some of its energy to help heal. Then I Neem Oiled the shit out of her! Used about a 2:1 dilution in a pre-mixed ready-to-spray BONIDE spray bottle. Used 5-6 drops of dish soap to get the Neem Oil to mix with the water. I wanted to make sure I didn’t oversaturate the plant so close to flowering. Also... posted pics of the last three clones I took from her; going to try them in just plain water while changing the water daily and sealing up the evaporation routes with Kleenex. They look great so far and should be fine with fresh water daily. [UPDATE] Decided to roll three of the tallest tops at an almost 80° angle in an attempt to trick the ole girl into producing and evenly distributing more GH (growth hormone), effectively raising the yield by significantly increasing the yield of the smaller bud branches while very slightly, if at all, affecting the yield of the dominant bud. Basically, I’m playing bonzai kamikaze in the final rounds with no lives left, sliver of health, powerless, full boss bar. Pic of me vs the time limit if Mother Nature is at the bottom of the picture roll. Happy Growing! 🙏🏼🤙🏼

4 years ago

Day: 108


First update in a while; I spread the branches apart to get light to the inside of the canopy. Gave her a foliar feeding of 2 tsp of Bushdoctor Flowers Kiss and she seems to be doing well! Was scouring the images to find any signs of hermaphroditic stress, but each plant was rock solid, with only personal problems to deal with, such as hydration, % living soil, air holding capacity, how quickly salts build up under a given amount of rain, etc. If she lets me down at the end, I will truly say I was totally off in my assessment. *** UPDATE *** After cutting and untying the remaining pull-down ties (rubber-coated vine wire), I grabbed my little green buddy and headed outside... until the AWFUL, CRACKING noise of the main branch filled the small workroom. I worked as fast as I could once I saw the carnage: peroxide the open faces, put together like originally, tape closed, secure with metal brace and possibly outside braces, wait until healed.

4 years ago

Day: 98


Just got back from Stone Mountain yesterday and wanted to take a few pics to give some progress info on this beauty, so... here they are! I mixed up a gallon of feed solution and left it with my neighbor to feed my li’l monster while I was gone. The mix was: ☤FEED SOLUTION ▸ Sun 9/6/20 1 gal H₂O 1 tsp Big Bloom 3mg (½ tsp) Cal-Mag+ 1 tsp Bushdoctor Kangaroots 1 tsp Bushdoctor Microbe Brew 2 Tbsp Grow Big ☞ pH’d to ≅ 6.3 Fed her this morning. Here is the breakdown: ☤FEED SOLUTION ▸ Mon 9/7/20 1 gal H₂O 1 tsp Cal-Mag+ 2 tsp Bushdoctor Kangaroots 2 tsp Bushdoctor Microbe Brew 2 Tbsp Big Bloom ☞ pH’d to ≅ 6.2

4 years ago

Day: 95


First things first... while moving the big girl outside this morning, one of her lower branches hit my shoulder and snapped almost completely off 😳!!! It is NOT deficient in Ca or Si or anything that you would think would contribute to a brittle branch, but maybe it just didn’t have enough osmotic pressure in the limb at the time since it was JUST watered and was probably dehydrated. I quickly sprayed the exposed areas with hydrogen peroxide and put some honey and a little fresh pine sap that just fell from a large pine onto a paper plate near me. It has very antiseptic properties and hopefully contributes to healing her. After taping her, supporting her, and doing everything I knew to do to help her have the best chance to heal, I fed her with the feeding solution I had just mixed for her. It consisted of a gallon and a half of water w/ 1/2 strength Botanicare Cal-Mag+, 1/2 strength BD Microbe Brew, 1/2 strength BD Kangaroots, 2/3 strength BD Boomerang Comeback, 1/2 strength BD Sledgehammer, and 1/3 strength FF Grow Big, just to add some needed nitrogen as veg winds down. This was all pH’d to 5.9-6.0 and boy, did she chug it down! ZERO runoff and the fabric didn’t even get damp. I know it wasn’t dehydrated because I checked her around midnight last night and her leaves were still plump and very green, slightly sagging but not really drooping, and the soil was ready for hydration down to at least 4-6”. Also...with the major branch damage to repair, she obviously needed all the hydration she could manage in order to effectively move nutrients from places where they aren’t as in demand to the damaged area, where they can be accessible as needed w/o having to waste precious time waiting for the nutrients to arrive. That said...after spending a day outside in mostly sunny weather with relatively low humidity (for Georgia summers), she looked AMAZING! Her main branches ALL have beautiful new growth and are vigorously competing for apical dominance to get the most sunlight. I performed some light LST to slightly bend some of the branches out of the way so that the stunted branch in the middle of the canopy can get enough light to rise up and join the gang by harvest time! I hesitate to think what she could have been if I had known all these things about her beforehand; would I have even attempted much chiropractic or would I have manifolded, mainlined, and went water only from seed to harvest since she IS in Nature’s Living Soil and FF Ocean Forest? Main point is: I DIDN’T. And I have to grow her how she is at the moment, which is TOTALLY more than fine with me! I sound like I’m bitching and moaning, but really it’s more of a regret for lost opportunities. I still think she turns into a beauty in flower, so stay with me and let’s take this ride to Delta-9 Town together with this sweet, streetwise lady as our guide. Stay vigilant, keep your eyes on the prize, and always inspect EVERY ASPECT of your babies; you NEVER know where trouble will arise 🙏🏼❤️♾

4 years ago

Day: 90


Gave her a small feeding of 5ml Cal-Mag, 1 Tbsp FF Big Bloom, 1 tsp FF Grow Big, and a 1/3 dose of FF Sledgehammer (can’t remember the dosage)...all mixed into some clean, filtered water and pH’d to 6.1-6.2. She is looking (TO ME) like a truly hardy survivor, so I decided to take a few clones from her and see how they do. FULL TRANSPARENCY: this is the first attempt at cloning, and I am using a slightly different technique on each clone, and after one full day, they are ALL THREE THRIVING! Two of them started out limp and laying on the rooting medium for several hours, but when I came back to check on them several hours later (expecting them to be near death), I found two of them standing straight as an arrow and looking like growing seedlings, while the third was 80% of the way there and markedly happier than when I left her 😊 [EDIT]: None of these clones survived, so I have taken new cuttings and they are directly in water bottles. Pics around day 115.

4 years ago

Camabis Day 2: gave the baby girls a super-light foliar spray of the FF Flowers Kiss solution that I mixed up to feed mama this morning. Not much foliage to absorb nutrients with, but with no (or extremely rudimentary) roots, they need all the help they can get to make it to the finish line! Once they have established some roots, I have total confidence in this sweet girl 🥰!!! She seems to be a drought-resistant, heat-tolerant, beautiful specimen of a plant that doesn’t burn easily (I accidentally tried early on in her life), and those traits transfer extremely well to central Georgia and our unpredictable combination of humidity, heat, and UV Index. In June, July, & August, the average HI/LO temps are: June: 90°/ 68°F (8 rain days) July: 92°/ 71°F (9 rain days) August: 91°/ 70°F (8 rain days) To make it worse...the average high temps for September and October are: September: 86°F October: 77°F By contrast, the COLDEST day of the ENTIRE YEAR, on average, is January 17. The HI and LO averages for that day?: January 17: 58°F/ 38°F (!!!) Not much of a cooling off period to count on when you live in what I like to call “Far North Florida”. That said...this magnificent girl has allayed just about EVERY SINGLE FEAR I’ve had about her on this journey, and I believe she is genetically 🧬 gifted to thrive in the climatic chaos that IS Middle Georgia. I would appreciate ANY HELP I can get from ANY growers who have successfully rooted and propagated clones. THIS IS MY VERY FIRST TIME PROPAGATING CLONES, and they look good so far...but it’s only going on 48 hrs. Anyone who sends me some well-organized, helpful info that helps me get these li’l girls to make it to harvest sometime down the road...leave a way to contact you and, if I pull an average or better-sized yield from these clones, I will hit you up and figure out a way to get you a nice little reward for the guidance! 🔥 Until harvest time...everyone please send my girl some loving, creative vibes with no hate, trolling, or other BS...PLEASE 🙏🏼! I am here to help or to get help and to show MY personal experiences in the hopes that they may help someone else who finds themselves in a situation similar to mine and... just maybe... I can give some info or guidance to someone who is in a situation that I once found myself in and was able, with the help of this community, to remedy and get my girls back on track and thriving again. [FULL DISCLOSURE]: I am basically a first time indoor grower (even though I grow indoors @ night & outdoors in daytime), so please excuse my errors and missteps in information when they occur and PLEASE DON’T FEEL BAD ABOUT POINTING THEM OUT TO ME; the ONLY WAY I will ever improve and learn is when someone with more real-world experience and success than I have let’s me know EXACTLY how to help me solve my problems and overcome my roadblocks

Camabis [CLONES]: The pics of the clones with the tops off are from day 3-4. I haven’t started gardening them off yet because I have to go out of town for a couple days and I don’t trust my “hired hand” (friend) to do things correctly, even with diagrams. I foliar fed them today with a mix of 1/2 strength Cal-Mag+ and 1/3 strength Flowers Kiss 🌸 💋. I also turned the heating mat off for the hot part of the day (heat index hit 97°F, so the garage workshop was probably 9000° Kelvin). Made sure the medium was sufficiently damp w/o being wet and sprayed the top of the mediums w/ 3% hydrogen peroxide to ward off fungus, bacteria, pests, etc. and make it a wee bit harder to come home to a friend with their head hung low and hands wringing at light speed. Will update when I return! PLEASE SEND BEAUTIFUL LIFE VIBRATIONS 🌲🌞💧🌈🥦🥬

DoctorG Do you have an Instagram or anything like that?

Day: 89


Decided to see if I could kickstart her growth pretty vigorously before switching her over, so I hit her with a 1/2 strength FF Sledgehammer flush those morning before putting her in dappled light. I also mixed a 1/2 strength solution of Kangaroots and Microbe Brew, all part of the FF Bushdoctor lineup, to reinforce any of the living soil microbes I may have destroyed with the flush. It was given with a full gallon (plus an extra half liter or so) of water that was pH’d to 5.89-6.06. It seems like it took the drenching like a champ and she is a beautiful shade of green with what seems like new growth already! There is also purple running up some of the branches and to the tops of the would-be colas (and also the leaves of said tops). I also chiropracted two of the branches that were lagging behind in hopes that they would catch up before harvest, so we will see if they are able to win the race. Pics to follow when I get home...may be from tomorrow, but that should should better reflect the results of today’s efforts anyway. Til then...CHEERS! 🍻

4 years ago

Day: 87


Gave her a THOROUGH foliar drenching with FF Flowers Kiss this morning @ ~10a, giving plenty of attention to both the top and underside of all her leaves. Mixed 2 tsp in a 32 oz spray bottle, set the nozzle to a super-fine mist, and proceeded to spray like I was trying to finish a boxcar mural before the cops came. Used about 2/3-3/4 of the bottle and helped her dry off with an oscillating fan for about 30 minutes or so before putting her in the morning sun to dry the remaining droplets and begin some good ole photosynthesis. [NOTE]: I watered her with 6 full 20 oz bottles of spring water (pH’d to ~5.9) yesterday because she just looked a little sad...and she perked RIGHT UP! I don’t usually miss the signs of a thirsty plant, but I guess I missed the bus on this one 😳 [EDIT]: I pruned the bottom two sucker branches because they were not going to grow upwards, and thus were only going to drain the plant of energy that could be used to help the canopy grow. Took many pics so the full state of the plant can be assessed. Probably going to start cutting the light back in the 2nd week of September to prepare for flowering. Til then...CHEERS 🍻

4 years ago

Camabis Took cuttings from the two bottom branches and they are doing great so far (see Day 90 pics). I will continue to update their progress as well as the progress of their mother.

Day: 81


She was showing a little nute burn in the older fans but I felt like she needed a little feeding anyway, so I mixed a very light concoction of 1Tbsp FF Big Bloom in 2 liters of H2O and a healthy spraying of 2/3 strength FF Flower’s Kiss in a one quart plastic spray bottle. Threw a few more red wrigglers in there to aerate and process organic matter, but I think the lower roots are doing fine with Nature’s Living Soil and FF Ocean Forest down there waiting to take care of the roots when they get there. Only a few bad leaves, but overall...I have to give her a standing ovation 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 {EDIT}: Overall...I am extremely impressed with this girl’s ability to bounce back from things like being transplanted into a nutrient-rich (hot) mix of Nature’s Living Soil and FoxFarm Ocean Forest, acquiring some minor nute burn nearly every time she is fed, and having to deal with such a claggy, stifling, and sweltering combination of summertime Georgia heat and humidity! I figured the 10-g SmartPot I used would be such an arid wasteland because of the breathability of the fabric that I would need to water her heavily every day just to keep her healthy. Unfortunately, the pot doesn’t dry out QUITE as quickly as advertised, so I have had a difficult time trying to get her watering/ feeding schedule dialed in w/o keeping the growing medium too moist or too dry. I’m going to take some pH tests and ppm readings over the next couple days to see if the plant has nutrient lockout or if it’s something entirely different that hasn’t even been considered yet? I have yet to flush with FF Sledgehammer (though I have a full bottle) to see if it helps because the issue isn’t a problem quite yet. One thing I am focused on achieving: this problem WILL BE a thing of the past in 2-3 weeks. 🙏🏻

5 years ago

Camabis Any recommendations from ANYONE AT ALL on how (and when?) to approach flowering (since I’ve been vegging for damn near EVER!)? Also...any idea what is causing the extremely tiny white-yellowish microspots in some of the smaller leaves (a few weeks old to a month or more)? It looks like small cells of chlorophyll have been chipped off the leaf and left behind a pale dot like a wall that had a green paint chip scraped off. in Central Georgia, what is the best possible time that I can wait until putting her into flower? She spends days outside (hi 80°s-hi 90°s F) & nights inside (70°F-80°F) a garage. I don’t want to flower her when it is still hot outside and will not help her flower more profusely or more potently. Please let me know if you have ANY information that could help me turn these bad boys into legends! I WILL MENTION YOU BY NAME AND SHOUT YOU OUT IN GROWING FORUMS

Camabis To clarify my earlier question... I am not asking about anything that looks like nute burn, whiteflies, or ANYTHING remotely common. It is more like ultra-fine dust that has settled on the tops of the leaves and is only visible because of the contrast between the pale specks and the relatively dark green leaves. I find that in most cases, I can simply get rid of most of this particulate matter with just a quick birthday candle blowout, but it seems to be extremely stubborn on some of the leaves. It hasn’t (🤞🏼) caused any problems that I can tell, and it doesn’t even bother me from an aesthetic POV, but I just wanted to see if anyone has had the same issue and/or knows what is causing it? I suspect it is most likely airborne matter (probably mostly organic) such as pollen, dirt, dust, and the like. I will try to include some pics taken with my Dino-Lite handheld digital microscope to give you the very best view I can provide. However, it will likely be tomorrow since I will need to take the pics from the PC (where the scope’s software is installed) and transfer them to my phone. I am about to do a little research to find out if I can take pics and cache them directly on my phone w/o having to go through all that. I will keep you posted 🤞🏼. Until then... pick your friends carefully, but pick your buds with even more care!

Day: 75


Just a few pics to show everybody how she’s doing in her new home (10-gallon SmartPot). She has some extremely minor tip burn, I suppose from the hot mix of going directly into a mix of Ocean Farm plus Nature’s Living Soil during the transplant? I removed all the tie-downs to let her relax and acclimate to the new pot and let those roots get down into that microbial goodness w/o any extra stresses. (EDIT: I did tie one of the two main branches down just a chinchilla’s nut hair so that it would pull the canopy apart very slightly and allow a little extra light to penetrate down into the plant). Gave her a 1/3 strength feeding of KANGAROOTS ROOT DRENCH & 1/3 strength feeding of MICROBE BREW, both from the FoxFarm Bushdoctor lineup of nutes, as well as a nice spraying of FF Bushdoctor FLOWERS KISS Foliar Plant Food (2/3 strength, but didn’t use much) this morning. I am a little uptight about the results of using these nutes in conjunction with the potting medium I used, due to the ease with which this mix seems to cause some nute burn. We will see, though! Til are a few pics...

5 years ago

Day: 69

Today is.... TRANSPLANT DAY!!! I decided to wear my PF concert tee that I bought at the Atlanta show in 1994 (sat in first 10 rows in Field Level on Grant Field at Bobby Dodd Stadium @ Georgia Tech) to see if the good karma and amazing vibes from that night will bring me some good mojo to help successfully perform the move to her final home. I figured it couldn’t hurt to play some soul-lifting jams, get a nice headspace going, and really focus on getting this lovely little lady in a bigger place where she has room to stretch her legs (roots)! I will try my best to detail all the steps, materials, and any unexpected roadblocks or the like that were encountered along the way once the procedure is complete and I feel confident enough about her potential in her new digs to take some time from caring for her and document the process. On a little side note that may make you chuckle, but kinda bummed me out, I came out this morning to put eyes on her and make sure the soil was correctly hydrated for the transplant, and I noticed that my beautiful little leafhopper-eating friend and new partner in cannabotany (the spider 🕷 in previous pics) had constructed a delicate, thin line of silk upon which she decided to abscond from her little treehouse to explore the bug buffet that might be tucked away in the cracks and crevices of the workshop that doubles for her nighttime grow room. All I can say is: 1) I hope he/she (I will use SHE) finds all the insects she could ever want...and 2) I also hope as I am sleeping one night, she will see her old home and run a line of silk back to the plant, so that when I wake up and go in there to move her outside for the day, I am surprised by the sight of my little friend resting on her old favorite fan leaf, waiting for an unaware leafhopper, leaf miner, grasshopper, or thrip to become a snack! Fortunately, mites, whiteflies, aphids, slugs/snails, and mammalian damage seem to be extremely rare in my yard and all plants and flowers within have pretty much avoided it. I will attack such bullshit with bags of ladybugs and predatory insects and the like if it ever gets to that point, because I don’t like using pesticides (possible exceptions: Neem Oil, Azadirachtin, diatomaceous earth, pyrethrin, and a few others), and I actually enjoy watching the web of life interact and marvel at the efficiency of tiny insects to do what we humans sometimes cannot do ourselves. So...sorry for the long-winded post, but I am excited to go transplant this little beauty and to let you guys (whoever cares, if anyone) know how things went and what WAS helpful/ what was NOT, etc. So...I’m off to gather the remaining supplies and start working! See you soon! EDIT: I was unable to take any pics or document the transplant because I had to “babysit” while moving her to her new home. I invited a friend to come over and help out with the thought that “four hands are better than two”... NOT ALWAYS!!! Starting with me having to drop two bags of potting mix to run over to the plant and physically stop my friend from raping the old container with a pair of rusty old hedge pruning shears because the plant wasn’t coming out as easily as he thought she should, it was just one thing after another from that point on. The kicker is that there were AT LEAST 10-20 better options within 10 feet of the tool he chose! I have grinders, hand saws, shears, power saws, tin snips, etc. All of which could have (and one of them DID) made short work of the pot. Actually, I probably could have coaxed her out without having to destroy the container since it was the first “smart pot” I ever made, and it performed beautifully. Unfortunately, when the plant didn’t slide out like it had a quart of lube slathered on the roots, his first inclination was to grab something REALLY FUCKING SHARP! If only he had done THAT, it might have worked. Instead, he picked the literal worst, rustiest cutting tool I had to do the delicate job of extricating the plant without damaging the delicate root ball! Then...after stopping him immediately before he DUMPED (not poured) a gallon container of water (tap? rain? bath? sewer?) directly on the top of my newly transplanted girl, I decided to give him the task of loading a bowl, which he DID manage to perform rather competently 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼! However, after all the stress and involvement that turned out to be necessary as project manager of this transplant, I was unable to get any pics or documentation of the process. I will take some pics tomorrow (Aug 12) to give an update on how she is coming along. Sorry to anyone who may have been following this grow (probably no one 😴); I will make sure that ALL future jobs involving this plant are handled SOLO. CHEERS 🍻

5 years ago

Day: 67


So...I decided to I decided to document her current situation: warts and all! I made it a point to take detailed close-up shots of the areas with the most “damage” so that I can easily find the same places once they’ve healed up and prove a point to him. There are obviously several places where I wish I hadn’t gotten as aggressive as I did, but I feel confident that ALL OF THEM will heal to AT LEAST 100% of their pre-chiropractic capability. There are several places where the stems split straight through, and I wish those hadn’t happened, but I’ve had it happen before and they healed up SUPER LEGIT! 🔥 This latest round of supercropping has her bruised and beaten, but I know the warrior spirit in this plant. She will be a mother.

5 years ago

Camabis Looking back on these pics here on day 90ish, I am MUCH happier with the current nature of the canopy, which is far more homogenous now than it was at the time of these pics. Maybe it’s because I took all the tie-downs off of her and, even though it closed the center path for sunlight (which wasn’t keeping pace with the canopy), it also allowed all the branches to self-regulate their own spacing and create a more even plant that SHOULD yield better treasure!

Day: 62


So...I decided to postpone the transplant for at least another few days because I wanted to perform LST and a few instances of Kushman Chiropractic on a few branches that have outgrown the rest of the canopy. These were all topped a short while back and received a rush of growth hormone that now has them several inches taller than the rest. You may also notice that there is still an area that is 4-5” talller than the rest, even after tying down the tall branches, but this is because they are growing from one of the two main branches that took the place of the apical meristem (main shoot, or center stalk) when it was first topped long ago. Those two branches are extremely woody and non-pliable, and the new growth at their tips isn’t yet mature enough or long enough to be tied down yet. Hoping that when this round of LST has run its course and performed beautifully (which it ABSOLUTELY WILL 🙏🏼), I will then have enough good growth to tie down, especially since she will be moving into her new home after healing up and stabilizing. ‘Til are some pics of the fresh hairstyle she’s rockin’ 💇🏻‍♀️ and some of the last views of her living in her cramped studio apartment 😁. If anyone actually cared enough to read this all the way through...1) thank you so much and you are part of the reason I even bother to add comments to my grow journals (info recall being the other), and...2) PLEASE 🙏🏼 send positive vibrations to her in the hopes that she takes this like a champ and is ready to move into her new place by mid- to late-week (it is Monday, Aug 3 here in Georgia, USA). Until next time...don’t let your meat loaf, and don’t let your black eye pee! 😜

5 years ago

Camabis Don’t know how the pic of my eye got in here, but it was intended for my eye doctor 🤷🏻‍♂️

Day: 61


Today should be her final day in that cramped 5gal pot... needed my eye to heal up a bit in order to transplant her, and I think all systems are GO for tomorrow 🙏🏼! I will do my level best to provide pics for all steps and explain things as well as I can for those who might benefit even a little from the info. That said...these are the latest pics. I know there are still many fan leaves hanging around with that old nute burn on them, but I left them if they were gathering light efficiently and not blocking healthier, higher priority leaves.

5 years ago

Day: 59


Sorry for the delay, but I’ve had a corneal ulcer that’s had me so photophobic that I couldn’t even venture to the mailbox w/o some of those classic Terminator models that look just as at-home resting on the nose of an 80+ year-old busy bee g’ma of 12 from Des Moines who just had her eyes dilated for the third time in four days. Think about THAT for a sec...OK THEN!...she has been given the usual 4Tsp-1/2c FoxFarm Big Bloom per e/o watering. She plows through it with ZERO change in any characteristic, which leads me to believe she may be able to handle a pretty hefty regiment of nutes and ferts if I so desire, quite possibly due to the MASSIVE physical growth generated by Kushman Chiropractic and, after properly performed & (if necessary) healed <—with duct tape, the resulting increase in nutrient transportation rates and overall hydration of the entire plant and the plant’s ability to use the root system so efficiently as to almost never have soggy roots and yet the potting mix seems to continue to retain the optimal amount of water without any conscious effort on my part to do so. Here, then, are some updated pics with only a couple feedings of FF Big Bloom mixed in. Transplant to 10g SmartPot coming this Sat or Sun (1st or 2nd). Mix: Nature’s Living Soil, FoxFarms Ocean Forest, perlite, and fresh, 100% organic red wriggler (Eisenia fetida) castings from my established Hungry Bin.

5 years ago

Day: 54


She seems to be coming along quite well, but it is time to transplant her into her final home, a 10g SmartPot. Unfortunately, I am recovering from a fungal-induced corneal ulcer that has me at less-than-100%. When I do finally get around to transplanting her (2-3 more days 🤞🏼), it will be into a Nature’s Living Soil product called ORIGINAL Living Soil Concentrate. This goes at the bottom of the pot for the roots to seek out, while the remainder of the mix will be composed of FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil, perlite, and some freshly harvested worm castings from my Hungry Bin vermicomposter. Here are some pics for now... til then... 🤙🏼

5 years ago

Day: 52


First update in a while; got a corneal ulcer on my eye and don’t have a clue how!?! son is taking these pics of her. Most of the nute-burned foliage has been removed and the previously topped areas are doing great!

5 years ago

Day: 49

First update in a while. She seems to be doing well and the LST is working to keep her low.

5 years ago

Day: 41


Getting ready to take her outside for another day of sunshine ☀️! She is handling the nute burn like a champ, so I decided to pull a couple of the branches down a little bit more to open up the interior to light. We will see if she keeps on trucking along! 🤞🏼🙏🏼

5 years ago

Day: 40


Aside from the spotting on the leaves, she is responding well to the LST, so I tied down a few of the smaller branches today. Hopefully I will find out what is causing the spots and she can be repaired and back to normal soon!

5 years ago

Camabis After looking at a couple houseplants that received the same feeding last night, I noticed they had nute burn on many leaves, but not in the same places or pattern as this plant. Also...their leaves were gray and necrotic at the tips, with random patches of necrosis throughout. Any help would still be very much appreciated!

Camabis After just a week or two, all of the affected plants had recovered from the apparent nute burn, but my girl was BY FAR the fastest to do so. The only lasting signs were the small spots (orange spots in pics) of necrosis across the leaf surfaces, whereas some of the other plants (houseplants and flowers) had entire leaves that were necrotic and had to be removed; one plant weakened to the point where I had to use Organicide (or was it NEEM?) to control an infestation of leaf-footed bug nymphs. Here in Georgia, it isn’t hard to figure out if you have a sick plant because the insect infestations will begin in short order if the plant weakens to the point where it can no longer produce its natural defenses.

Day: 40

Back inside for the night after her first day w/ all branches in LST and her first day dealing with early nute burn.

5 years ago

Day: 39


Second day in sun after being tied down. She is healing up nicely from chiropractic complications!

5 years ago

Day: 39

Noticed some pale orange-brown spots on the leaves today. They are NOT confined to older growth, as I am seeing them on some of the newest growth as well. ***PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON WHAT IT IS 🙏🏼*** I don’t think it’s an insect, and I don’t think it’s a calcium or mag deficiency. I got overconfident and fed her a large dose of fish emulsion AND probably (WAY) too much Dr. Earth last night 😬. All replies are much appreciated! 🤙🏼

5 years ago

Camabis After doing some homework, and watching my step EVERY TIME I feed now, I feel like this was just a case of a beginner trying to burn his plant up with care! No more FULL STRENGTH feeding dosages, especially when feeding multiple nutes together. If my ppm are way up in the high range after mixing the feed solution, I will generally use 1/3-1/2 of the recommended dosage (diluting with pH’d water to get there) and I have used as little as 1/4 of the recommended dosage if the plant is showing any signs of heat stress or is in any way not looking “”up to par”. I have been forced to accept the fact that, especially when using liquid chemical nutrients, pH is KING 👑. If you get THAT wrong, you have fucked yourself. Therefore, I am extremely attentive to the process of adjusting the water’s pH. I usually try to aim for 5.9-6.5, but prefer right around 6.0.

Day: 37


This was taken immediately after tying down the two main branches. I plan to transplant her to a 10 gal fabric pot as soon as she recovers from the LST, if it even bothers her. Also...I covered the soil with a layer of perlite and gave her a light drink of leachate (liquid that drips from the bin) from my vermicomposting (worm composting) bin, followed by a nice drink of fresh rainwater. About to set her outside for the day and put that massive ball of hydrogen & helium in the sky to good use!

5 years ago

Day: 36


Just performed chiropractic for the first time EVER: on the lower branch with the blue tape and its counterpart, and on the two main branches up top. Seemed to go well, but only time will tell. This is a low-budget grow, but I think her genetics are erasing some of the mistakes! 🙏🏼 [UPDATE] - The chiropractic procedures on all the involved stems and branches healed up MUCH stronger and efficient than before! This will 💯 % be a part of all future efforts.

5 years ago

Day: 34

About to top again soon

5 years ago

Day: 32

On to the lights, (24,0)

5 years ago

Day: 31

Jun 2 (pm) indoors

5 years ago

Day: 31

Pulled her inside at 6:30p due to storm coming

5 years ago

DkThaGoat214 Nice grow

Camabis Preciate that man. Just started as a lark because we came upon a seed but she seems to have incredibly vigorous and hardy genetics (90+°F outdoor temps and high humidity don’t phase her at all), so we are going to trans into a 5g fabric pot and start training her.

Day: 31

June 2 (pm) indoors

5 years ago

Day: 30

Pic #3

5 years ago

Day: 30

June 2: outside 10a

5 years ago

Day: 30

Pic #2

5 years ago

Day: 30

June 2: outside 10a Temp: 81°F / 79% humidity The topped portion is growing back vigorously! Hope this is a sign of things to come 🤞🏼

5 years ago

Day: 30

Pic #4

5 years ago

Day: 30

First 7-point fan leaf

5 years ago

Day: 30

June 2: outside at 10a

5 years ago

Day: 29

Container still hasn’t been modified with holes drilled around the entire pot to facilitate air movement to the root system and help with drainage.

5 years ago

Day: 29

She lost a fan leaf yesterday due to a... [ahem] FAN falling on her! First top is growing beautifully. She seems to be respirating a little excessively but I assume she is trying to get rid of all the h2O in the soil. Also...I know the area looks like I’m growing in the back of a trailer, but it’s a little workshop room in the garage that isn’t really configured for growing. YET.

5 years ago

Day: 29

Outside for the early part of the day. Getting acclimated to the outdoors so I can provide near 24/0 lighting, since my indoor lighting only consists of 2 LED bulbs in conical reflectors and a 2’ panel LED. This will be upgraded before veg is finished.

5 years ago