Lemon Kush photos
I’ve had these in flower since September i kept in veg for a while to beef em up.
Lemon Kush
Day 243 (Week 35)
7 updates
49 photos
Day: 243

Been pretty lazy on the journal as my phone has been messed up
3 years ago
Day: 243

Chopping down in a week
3 years ago
Day: 238

Trichome footage at 500-1000x zoom from my new scope. It took so long to get these there were so many issues when i first started out😅 noob probs
3 years ago
.Vic$ Love these pics! What kind of scope? I’d like to try this
SaintAnderson77 Thanks dude I’m super late!! But it’s a “maxsee 1000x HD handheld scope” off of Amazon. It was like $45
Day: 220

She’s got 3-4 weeks left till i chop her down
3 years ago
Day: 220

3 years ago
Day: 218

How much longer y’all think?
3 years ago
masscangrow Hi - if you have a lens, you can look at the trichomes, and make a judgement on the coloration. A quick look, you have some timerto go.
Day: 218

Flowered 9/11
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Very nice 👍
stick e fingerz Lemon kush dang bet those smell nice 👍