

First Growth (From Seed)

November 11 2020

Got free seeds from a friend don’t know the strain yet But I will be growing it from seed to final results


Day 13 (Week 2)

14 updates

14 photos

Day: 13

It’s day 13 it’s growing taller and stronger can’t believe it’s my first time doing this and going great for now . Light 18/18 water with nutrients big bug coco

4 years ago

Day: 12

It’s day 12 of the growth and it’s been a success light 18/18 and nutrient water with big bud coco

4 years ago

Day: 11

It’s growing now second pair of baby leaves getting big little by little nutrient water with big bud coco light 18/18 it’s 11:15pm Chicago daily updates it’s a 9pm Chicago time

4 years ago

Day: 10

It’s day 10 of the growth second pair of leaves growing now and it’s healthy Nutrient water with big bud coco Light 18/18 Chicago time 9pm taken of the picture

4 years ago

Day: 9

It’s day nine leaves grew bigger late update Nutrient water of big bud coco Regular light 18/18

4 years ago

cranky13 Regular light 18/18, what does that mean?

Day: 8

It’s day 8 of growth noticed that leaves not growing but in the middle it’s growing another pair or leaves Water with big bud coco nutrients Light 18/18 It’s 9pm Chicago same as other updates

4 years ago

Day: 7

It’s day 7 =week now we will be adding nutrients Regular light 18/18 Small growth and leaves spread its 11:38pm Chicago Daily updates at 9pm Chicago

4 years ago

Day: 6

It day six now it’s going slow on the growth Grew like 2 cm Light went down 12/18 It’s 10pm Chicago Regular updates at 9pm Regular water and light

4 years ago

Day: 5

It’s day 5 in growth only seen a small change on leaves Light 18/18 Water regular 9pm on Chicago same as the other updates

4 years ago

Day: 4

It’s day 4 of growing the plant it grew more longer leaves spread a little bit more Regular water no nutrients yet Light 18/18 Plant type still Classified It’s 9pm in Chicago same time as the updates of daily pics of the plant growth

4 years ago

Day: 3

It’s day 3 it grew almost twice baby leaves now spreading its looking healthy and nice Water it’s still regular no nutrients Light 18/18 It’s 9pm in Chicago when I update pictures of the plant Seed still classified.

4 years ago

Day: 2

It’s day 2 of growing the plant it’s growing more regular water and light nothing special . It’s just a home growth. It’s looking healthy. It’s in light 18hrs. It’s 9pm in Chicago updated time. Always updating daily same time .

4 years ago

Day: 1

It’s first day and it’s now out the seed and starting to grow baby leaves It’s 9pm from Chicago everyday I will post at same time .

4 years ago

Day: 0

Day 0 of growth No leaves yet hopefully by a week it looks nice strain still classified . First timer growing a weed plant It’s updated to day 0 cuz by mistake I put day 1 . But every day I will post updates

4 years ago