

May-4-dosido- grow

One dosido clone planted in 3 gallon fabric pot with fox farms ocean forest mix under 150W HPS GROW LIGHT (firstgrow) any advice helps !

GSCxFaceoff OG

Day 22 (Week 4)

5 updates

7 photos

Day: 22

Plant has been doing extremely well I’ve bent and lowered leave on every side I’ve put enough stress on it and it brought it back to health! Hallelujah!! Hopefully it’s a good yield from this youngin’

6 years ago

Day: 15

18/6 light cycle no nutrients watered every 2-3 days

6 years ago

Day: 10

The plant is currently 9 inches tall and has been on a 18/6 light cycle with no nutrients it’s been struggling so just bent today 5/14/19 watered every 2-3 days

6 years ago

Day: 5

The plant is currently 6 1/12 inches tall still on a 18/6 cycle and i overwatered them ... or they got transplant shock and are still recovering.

6 years ago

Day: 2

The plant is currently 5” tall and has been on a 18/6 light cycle W/ no nutrients.

6 years ago