First Grow Northern Lights
May 2020
On 4/29 I half germinated 3 seeds in a paper towel, transferred to pots two days later and put them in the grow tent at 24 hours of light a day. Today on 5/4/20 I put 2 more seeds in a glass filled with water I also put one of the freebie seeds directly in soil in a small container. Growing well 5/27/20 I’ve now topped 3 plants one I have completely mainlined one I mainlined but left on 2 extra grow areas and one I topped but didn’t defoliate. And one I haven’t done any manipulation to at this point
Northern Lights
Day 135 (Week 20)
50 updates
152 photos
Day: 135
About half way through curing.
4 years ago
Day: 123
Jarred today. Very nice buds for a first time grow. Total 126.6 grams about 4.5 ounces. Just have to burp each jar for 10 mins every day for 30 days
4 years ago
Day: 112
Harvest day. About 48 hours of darkness chopped down branch by branch. Took me 4 hours for the whole process. My hands hurt I’m tired I’m sweaty I’m gross but I’ve never had more fun with gardening. I love this process. And this is only the first of many.
4 years ago
Smotpoker 36 COLAS TOTAL
Day: 103
Day 52 flower
4 years ago
Day: 98
Day 47 flower
4 years ago
Day: 94
Day 43 flower
4 years ago
Day: 89
Day 38 flower
4 years ago
Day: 81
4 years ago
Day: 79
Really bulking up flower day 28
4 years ago
Day: 76
Fed today flower day 25
4 years ago
Day: 74
Bulkin uppppp flower day 23
4 years ago
Day: 70
Bulkin up flower day 19
4 years ago
Day: 67
Getting bigger each day
4 years ago
Day: 66
I’m watering everyday I don’t know why they’re drying so fast and still a humidity problem. Too high. I raised the lights a good 4-6 inches. More light surface area. Flower day 15
4 years ago
Day: 64
These girls are getting huge and really showing their signs of producing flower it’s amazing. Did a good amount of trimming of lowers branches and leaves and moved the plants around in the tent so they grow more evenly. One plant is clearly smaller than the other and I have to assume it’s from the light. But now that I think of it. One of the seeds was different than the other three so that could just be the traits of the other strain. Either way this is all exciting. I am having a high humidity problem. I have a dehumidifier and I’m getting a lot of water from it. But still steady around 70%
4 years ago
Day: 60
Seeing some little hairs day 9 flower
4 years ago
Day: 57
Day 6 flower
4 years ago
Day: 53
Day two of flower
4 years ago
Day: 51
I think today will be the last day of veg. If my dig timer works the light should shut off for the first time in 52 days. These babies will be in darkness for the first time ever. I hope I set the timer up right. I’ve been having difficulty figuring it out. Trimmed hopefully the last time. Spaced out the stems soon to be colas a little. And reorganized the plants in the tent. Getting there
4 years ago
Day: 50
Day 50
4 years ago
Day: 48
Getting down to the last couple days of veg
5 years ago
Day: 45
Extreme lollipopping
5 years ago
Day: 44
Finally got to calmag and I fed them yesterday. Did some lollipopping on the front two. Not sure about the back two atm
5 years ago
Day: 41
5 years ago
Day: 40
Just checking on and watering these girl. Waiting for comag to come in to feed these girls. But until then just watching
5 years ago
Day: 37
Watered yesterday with nutrients
5 years ago
Day: 35
Still seriously training. Watered yesterday with just purified water. Went down at 7:30pm to check the girls and the one plant that just has been sick and not looking great for a while that I though I could leave unnoticed, I can no longer. It has worsen through just 8-10 hours. I researched and found very quickly that I definitely have a calcium deficiency. I’ve just been using purified water, with the occasional distilled water with nutrients without checking any PH levels. I’d say I’m about a quarter of the way through this grow. I may need to consider getting a PH tester. But for now the comag should arrive in a little under a week but honestly I don’t know if this plant will make it that long. If I have to sacrifice it and make clones from it, I will do so. This is my first grow
5 years ago
Day: 32
Just checking on these baby girls today
5 years ago
Day: 31
Did the final topping of these plants today. Fed/watered. Tied down, manifolded, and defoliate a bit. Making big progress. All that’s left to do now is be patient and let these babies mature without being dissected anymore.
5 years ago
Day: 30
Doing well. Growing
5 years ago
Day: 28
A part of me is feeling like I’m doing too much to these plants. I keep breaking small leaves or branches. Also one plant closest to me on the left has intense leave curling in. I think it’s too close to the light
5 years ago
Day: 28
Most mature plant. Mainlining this one is great. Others are a little behind and one just does t look healthy at all
5 years ago
Day: 27
All are topped and mainlined
5 years ago
Day: 26
Most mature plant
5 years ago
Smotpoker Last picture is showing a branch broke. Not all the way but majority of it. I may end up making this one like the rest with the typical mainlining technique
Day: 25
This looks about right, hopefully
5 years ago
Day: 24
Most mature plant. Topped this for the second time. I’m not sure if I did it right we will see.
5 years ago
Day: 22
This first photo is the only plant I have done nothing to
5 years ago
Smotpoker The second pic is the most mature plant. Mainlined and LST started
Day: 22
The untouched plant
5 years ago
Day: 21
Started to low stress train the more mature plant today. Photos take at 1:15pm
5 years ago
Smotpoker Ended up mainlining the most mature plant. I don’t want to get too excited but I like this idea
Day: 19
I topped this plant for the first time last night
5 years ago
Day: 18
5 years ago
Day: 17
So big! 10:23am
5 years ago
Day: 16
Getting bigger each day
5 years ago
Day: 15
5 years ago
Day: 14
8:44am 5/19/20
5 years ago
Day: 13
Day 13
5 years ago
Day: 12
Getting bigger every hour. This one definitely had a head start on the other 3
5 years ago
Day: 11
One of the plants that’s a few days behind the big guy
5 years ago
Day: 10
Second set of leaves are really starting to show
5 years ago
Day: 8
5 years ago