First time planting
Day 12 for these guys. Had to use some root grow on some because there stem had broke but doesn’t seem to be working. However the ones standing tall are doing great. But how often should I be watering them?
Day 12 (Week 2)
3 updates
3 photos
Day: 12
Changed them to bigger pots 2 days ago.
4 years ago
Day: 12
Middle rows
4 years ago
alwaysgrowfuego They’re stretching quite a bit. If you can lower the light or raise the plants, it should help :)
canadakush519 Definitely lower the lights this is an extreme amount of stretching and those stems will most likely topple as soon as they develop more leaves and get top heavy. When they get a bit more mature have a fan on them oscillating for a few hours at a time the breeze will shake them and promote thicker stem growth
Day: 12
Last rows
4 years ago
Paradise Grower Light is way too far, shouldnt be stretching that way
str8upgas Your plants should be like half that tall at this point, they aren’t getting enough light. Also putting a fan on them will help strengthen the stems. Water when soil is dry about 2 knuckles deep, rather underwater than overwater, you can always add more. If you are serious about growing I would check out /r/microgrowery on reddit.