
2nd Grow Pineapple auto - Homegrown Cannabis co

Spring 2021

4 pineapple auto seeds in 3 gallon pots. Using M3 super soil with seeds germinating in happy frog. 2 1000 watt Mars hydro LEDs. 18/6 light schedule. Using Papas perfect poop for fertilizer and heavy 16 foliar spray. Using purified water 6.0-6.5 PH

Pineapple Auto

Day 68 (Week 10)

28 updates

136 photos

Day: 68


All looks good. Plants are really starting to get frosty and the first plant will be chopped this weekend at the end of week 10. Continued pruning.

4 years ago


annmiky I love how these were trained!! Did you just tie down the branches to do this?

603Grow Exactly. Tie down method is all I did.

Day: 64


Beginning of week 10 and a couple of these plants look like they will finish up this week. Others look like they are a bit behind and may need another week. Watered 2 plants today with plain ph 6-6.5 water.

4 years ago

Day: 60

Half way in to week 9. Watered with plain ph 6.0-6.5 water. Humidity is sitting a bit high (low 60s) but that’s what you get in a basement in New England in spring. Have some good airflow to combat humidity So I should be ok but will be monitoring for mold issues. Pistils continuing to darken. Leaves changing colors and continued appearance of trichomes.

4 years ago

Day: 57

Continued monitoring and watering with purified water at ph 6.5! About a week left, maybe 2 weeks for a plant or two.

4 years ago

mrgreen99 They look amazing. Can’t wait to see the finished product

Gleeee Love it!

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 🤩 must smell like heaven

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Day: 54

About half way through week 8. Watered each about a gallon of plain ph 6/6.5 water. A couple plants look a week or two from finishing up. Other two plants starting to pack on weight. The plant furthest along has def developed a bit of a must smell. No signs of mold/bud rot but will keep an eye. My finger smells sweet after rubbing the plant so that’s good. Temps are a little low 70F and humidity hovering around 55-60 so i know that’s a bit high.

4 years ago

Day: 49


Beginning to see some brown pistils. Buds continue to put on weight. 2/4 plants looks a bit behind the others but everything looks good. Leaves continue to turn dark.

4 years ago

Day: 46


Did some defoliating on all plants. Stretch is done and buds are packing on weight. Some leaves are beginning to change to a darker color. Frost beginning to build up on a couple of plants. All looks well.

4 years ago

Day: 40


Plants getting its last stretch in as the bud sites are starting to grow. Used heavy 16 foliar spray.

4 years ago

Day: 38


Watered about 3/4 gallon each with super tea using papas perfect poop and recharge. Still stretching as we are getting close to the end of week 6.

4 years ago


xound Those are huge 😦

Day: 37

Into week 6 and plants still seem to be stretching a bit. Waiting for the stretch to finish soon. Watered each plant with2/3 gallon of plain ph 6.3 water yesterday. Will give plants super tea as fertilizer next watering. Still continuing LST.

4 years ago

Day: 34

Plants continuing to stretch. Continued LST on three plants. Lighting was starting to become a problem because of the one plant with no LST getting to about 2 ft in height. The top of the plant was getting too close to the light so put the plant next to it on a bucket to get it at the same height. Then adjusted light. Lights about 16 inches from tops of plants.

4 years ago

Day: 33

Watered each plant with about 2/3 gallons of plain water ph 6.3. Used heavy 16 foliar on all plants.

4 years ago

Day: 31


Was a little nervous because I had to move plants the past two days because of work being done to my house. Luckily my lights off time is during the day 10am-4pm so I put them in bathtub with curtain shut, fan on and door shut so there wouldn’t be any light leaks. I don’t want these plants growing balls on me at this stage. Plants look good and no nanners or stress it seems. Continued LST on three plants. Moved lights down to about 16 inches.

4 years ago

Day: 30

Watered this morning with papas perfect poop super tea. Plant that snapped on me earlier is definitely showing signs of deficiency or stress in the lower fan leaves. Plants are beginning to flower.

4 years ago


tmsaucy Looking nice and big for day 30! Also a 603 grower here

603Grow Ty. Yeah these are growing fast! Looking forward to watching your plants. Love the 603 🤟🏻

Day: 28


The pre flower stretch is on. Plants are starting to grow and stretch rapidly. Used heavy 16 foliar spray before lights on. Continued LST. Began making a super tea using papas perfect poop in ph 6 water for next watering.

4 years ago

Day: 26

Watered each about 2/3 of a gallon each of ph 6 plain water. Continued LST on 3 plants. I’m going to let the plant with the broken stem continue without any further LST. Letting it grow naturally.

4 years ago

Day: 24


Pistils continue to show. Plants looking well after watering yesterday. Plant with broken stem (back right) looks like it’s hanging in there nicely after splinting it back in place. Humidity around here has been high. Been hovering around 70% in tent. Temps up to 78.

4 years ago

Day: 23

Plants looking thirsty. Watered half gallon each with sensi extra and recharge. Used heavy 16 foliar yesterday at lights out. Plant with broken main stem and branch seems to be doing ok. I do notice some deficiencies on some of the lower leaves however. Probably due to stress.

4 years ago

Day: 20


All looking good. Watered a half gallon each with ph 6.5 water. As I continued LST, I snapped the main stem on the largest plant of the 4. 😐 Performed some emergency surgery and we will see what happens.

4 years ago

letzbebudz My condolences. Hopefully she’ll recover :)

603Grow 🙏🏻

Day: 18


Well into veg. Still working LST on main stem. Used heavy 16 foliar today at lights on. Light at about 24 inches at 100%.

4 years ago


Sk3rt Beautiful!! Come check mine out and let me know what you think. I’m new to this. Need all tips and tricks I can get!

Day: 15


Watered each plant about a half gallon with recharge and sensi cal/mag extra. Ph at 6.4. Re tied down main stem after a one day break. Tied down some large fan leaves blocking lower growth. LST working well.

4 years ago


trichometheatre Good job man! I’m in the 603 as well! ✊

603Grow Thank you!! Love the 603! Wish they’d legalize weed alway!

603Grow Already

Day: 13


Went ahead and began some LST. All looks good for the most part. Little droop continuing in one plant. Dropped humidity to 60%. Lights at 18 inches, 75%.

4 years ago

Day: 12

Looking good in early veg. Plants starting to droop a bit and look thirsty. Watered ph 6.2 plain water about a quarter gallon each. Light is at 18 inches at 75%. Light on temps around 77. Light off around 67. Humidity 65%

4 years ago

Day: 10

Looking good. Watered with recharge and some cal/mag extra as one of the plants is already having some cal/mag deficiency. Used same mix as a foliar spray at lights off. Some leaves looking a little curled. Moved light up to 18 inches in case of light stress but it could be from over watering. One plant still not growing well vertically but leaves are still growing and developing.

4 years ago

Day: 7


Looking good one week in. One plant seems a little stunted height wise compared to others so going to keep an eye on that. Lights on temps around 75, lights off around 68.

4 years ago

Day: 4


Nothing new. Continued growth from seedlings. Looks like their first set of 3 fingered leaves are coming in. Watered with plain water.

4 years ago

Day: 1


Watered with plain ph 6.5 water. Turned light up to 50% at 18 inches above plant. Watered morning of 3/22.

4 years ago


SHG Pineapple auto looking good 🔥🙌

603Grow Ty! Good start so far!!

Day: 0


4 seeds sprouting today. Watered today. PH 6.5 Lights are at 12 inches at 25%. Humidity 70%. Temps around 73 F Lights on, 65 lights off.

4 years ago