
2021 PLG

New Home New Grow

Propagation process underway. 2 of the 11 have sprouted so far... keeping my fingers crossed for the rest


Day 103 (Week 15)

6 updates

16 photos

Day: 103

The buds have become so dense it’s tilting the plant. This is due to my lack of nutrients in the beginning which made for weaker base stalks for these girls. But all in all I’m not upset with these results so far

3 years ago


mystrain420 Good problems 😊. Throw a trellis with 6” squares over them to hold up the weight, just a suggestion. Good luck 👍🏾

scorpius Thank you so much for this information i just bought one

Day: 90

Just waiting lol

3 years ago


Frogzcan They look great tho

scorpius Thank you!

Day: 84

Adding more nutrients it’s time to blow em up lol

3 years ago

Day: 57

Moving girls over to a 12-12 light cycle

4 years ago

Day: 35

Early veg stage I believe they’re all females

4 years ago

Day: 32

Going to top for the first time today...water ph 6.3 giving consistent nutrient feeding weekly

4 years ago