
First Solo Grow - WW x BB

Summer 2020

One plant grown in organic living soil, KIS Organics BioChar Water-Only Soil Mix, 12 gallon fabric pot, tap water with citric acid to lower pH, Timber Grow Lights 2VL 3000k

White Widow x Big Bud

Day 47 (Week 7)

7 updates

17 photos

Day: 47


Both girls are exploding right now!

5 years ago

Day: 42


She’s 7” tall. Her top took root nicely and I have now transplanted into a small plastic pot.

5 years ago

Day: 32


Switched to distilled water and she seems to like it better. Still not sure if her top will take root the way I did it, only time will tell.

5 years ago

Day: 29

Noticed some small brown spots on the tips of some leaves, could be indicative of a nutrient deficiency.

5 years ago

Day: 26


Responded well to manifold. Top hasn’t taken root yet but seems to be taking water.

5 years ago

Day: 21

Started the mainline/manifold today. Looks like she’s responding well. Stuck her top in a solo cup, hopefully it will take root so I can transplant it and move it outside.

5 years ago

Day: 18

She’s on Day 18V, about 4” tall. Really tight node spacing. She’s been on an 18/6 from seed.

5 years ago