Buckin’ Runtz and Zummy 4’x2’
Zummy (Watermelon Zkittlez x End Game #5) and Buckin’ Runtz (Jet-A {Tina x Falcon 9} X Runtz
All had issues from the jump, finally coming back with some healthy growth! Few more weeks than LST and transplant.
Day 28 (Week 4)
4 updates
23 photos
Day: 28

After a Transplant and a flush, these babies are doin lots better. Gonna maybe even give them a a lil haircut today. Still some red stemmed growth and yellowing at some tips of leaves, but think they’re recovering and it’ll be better soon. So much healthier growth and LST is going great tbh, everything I trimmed that was messed up is growing back most healthy. Pic 2: Zummy Blue Tag overview Pic 3: Zummy no tag(on planter) overview Pic 4: Buckin’ Runtz White Tag overview Pic 5: Buckin’ Runtz Yellow Tag Overview Pic 6: Zummy Blue Tag LST progress Pic 7: Zummy No Tag(on planter) LST progress Pic 8: Buckin’ Runtz White Tag LST progress Pic 9: Buckin Runtz Yellow Tag LST progress. Happy with how these are coming back🙌
4 years ago
Day: 26

Pics 3 and 4 are Buckin’ Runtz by Exotic Genetix (Jet-A {Tina x Falcon 9} X Runtz) and pics 5 and 6 are Ethos strain “Zummy” (Watermelon Zkittlez X End Game #5)…..Couple days after transplant and flush, and starting LST, these girls are startin’ to look so much more healthy. Giving them a feeding tonight with the Floranova all in one grow nutrient, with some good ol’ Roots Excelleratur Gold! I’ll keep posting progress pics as the LST continues. Also, should I transplant these soon??? I just transplanted from solo cups like a week or two ago but this LST had already become unmanageable and to the edge of my pots lol. Not sure what to do
4 years ago
Day: 24

Plants seem to be bouncing back and getting a lot healthier looking good growth after that flush. Something that’s odd though, both of my Zummy plants (watermelon zkittlez x End game #5) top branches new growth has no red stems and seems to be growing in very healthy, although on both of my Buckin’ Runtz (Jet-A {Tina X Falcon 9} X Runtz {Gelato X Zkittlez}) plants, they look healthy as can be right now, but still have super heavy red stems on the new growth as if there’s still an issue. Is it just something with the genetics within the Runtz strain? Or is there actually an issue? lookin for insight.
4 years ago
Day: 23

Pictures of the girls after trimming all the bad PH blockout leaves and red stems, got it on point now. Gonna give a flush with some roots excellurator pro cause these youngins need to grow quicker and not be stallin out like this!
4 years ago