
Piney and Cheesy...a journey

First grow attempt

First grow attempt: cheese (Canuck) and pine apple express (G13), both auto. Indoors, pellet started.

Cheese, pinapple express

Day 3 (Week 1)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 3

Piney is growing like, well...a weed! Cheesy is still being shy. Temp/humidity shown. No light schedule. Trying hard to leave them alone.

5 years ago

Day: 2

Nov 1 and piney is making an appearance. Temp (c) and humidity captured in the pic.

5 years ago

Day: 1

The tent arrived before the seeds did, so up it went. We realized that size (2x4x4) was going to be an issue, so we will be using tiny tent as a nursery and ordered a larger tent for plants that grow broader. We’ve since reconfigured pretty much the entire inside of the tent. Cheesy and Piney were put in prepped jiffy pods to germinate in Oct 25.

5 years ago