
Gelato Auto-SCROG


Two Gelato Auto from ILGM. Grown in a DIY tent. 9x9x6h. Vivosun 4” in-line fan/filter and a window box fan mounted overhead to assist with keeping lights cool while moving air for plants. 2 LED Full spectrum lights (adding one more this week). Auto drip irrigation set to 5 minutes/24 hours. This starts after seedling stage. Happy frog soil with a sand mixture and a small amount of Perlite mixed in.

Gelato Auto from ILGM

Day 43 (Week 7)


5 updates

13 photos

Day: 43



2 years ago

Day: 26



2 years ago

Day: 8

GLT20221014B Sprouted 10/19

2 years ago

Day: 8

GLT20221014A Sprouted on 10/21

2 years ago

Day: 0

Started Germination

2 years ago