

Special queen #1


Two special queen seeds

Special queen #1

Day 18 (Week 3)


8 updates

8 photos

Day: 18

Finally out of shock from being transplanted I woke up today and she was making promising progress

4 months ago

Day: 17

Still doing okay growing slow but eh I think I still have time to catch up

4 months ago

Day: 16

More leafs coming in growing as it should think I have a green thumb

4 months ago


FramerFlaco 🤘🏽🙌🏽

Day: 14

Growing second set of actual leaves

4 months ago

Day: 12

Growing like a “weed”🤓😂🤣 sorry guys I’m just happy I’m learning

4 months ago

Day: 11

First true leaves finally fully developed just about

4 months ago

Day: 9

She surprised me although she was overwatered she’s staying strong I have a good feeling about this one

4 months ago


ADZ Looking good, size could be anything from genetics to a stunt of sorts. She seems healthy though 😎


mjones2343 I really appreciate that thank you, I’m working with my watering schedule and amounts to prevent that but am not gonna lie I do think I stunted it maybe but also I’m not sure cause I purchase from royal queen and the chart thingy said harvest is usually a little latter with this particular strain that I’ve found so far


mjones2343 Also thank you for your advice I certainly do need all the advice I can gather I really wanna learn cause I have a green thumb for vegetables and i tried a few times to grow and they died and I felt defeated kinda lol, so I decided to try again but with this app so I can always reach out when I need help

Day: 8

I would’ve thought this would’ve been farther along by day 8 idk if I’m doing something wrong or if she’s healthy please help #newgrower

4 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman What’s your temp/rh? What’s your PPFD? How many times have you watered? Without more info I’d guess it’s got too much water - soil looks pretty damp. I’ve stunted seedlings out of the gate by giving them too much water


mjones2343 I’m sorry bro my phone was on silent so the temp stays above 60 but below 85 usually I am growing her outdoors though


mjones2343 And I’ve heard about over watering I will try to hold back on that and see if I can get some better results

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