New Addition
Fall 2023
Amazing beginning…had seed in bag that fell out of counter and I think I smashed it a bit with something cause when I looked the seed had opened partially, (maybe humidity in bag helped) I took seed and put in peroxide/distilled water solution overnight and tap root emerged. Potted in grow cup FF Happy Frog with a bit of DynoMyco. She popped up in 3 days and now under grow tent w/ my other newly grown seedling.
Purple Push Pop
Day 28 (Week 4)
3 updates
10 photos
Day: 28

Update on growth…she is coming in nicely.
a year ago
Day: 1

Day 5 since potting…almost same size as Pineapple Glue and PG was potted a week earlier.
a year ago
Day: 0

3 day pop on PPP.
a year ago