

JB’s Garlic Breath

Cuzo Johnny Blaze garlic run

Running 4 garlic breath 2.0 vegged under a 1000w phlizon led and a king led 600w tuning thes in solo cups to start with medium is pro mix bx with myzos going into 3gal pots during transplant gonna feed with @koshernutrients later in veg and into flower going to be supplementing fungi brews and bacteria brews along with grow and bloom teas once in flower the light is an sun-raise qb2000 in a 3x3 tent. Also will be using grotek’s amendments.

Garlic Breath 2.0

Day 16 (Week 3)

4 updates

4 photos

Day: 16

Here they are stacking very nicely

4 years ago

Day: 13

They are coming right along feeding at half strength and no problems yet

4 years ago

Day: 6

Coming on love me some garlic baby

4 years ago


combatmedic81 They are stretching, need to lower or increase you light

Day: 0

Out the ground ready to go get my cuzo off that government drugs and getting him on the cannabis train 💪🏽💪🏽🙏🏽✌🏽

4 years ago