

GA3 + Woody Tree Experiement

Late Spring Early Summer (?)

Trying again to germinate hard woody seeds. Will detail everything in the first post.

Prunus Serrulata (Sakura Cherry Blossom), JP Black Pine, Full Moon + Green Cascade JM

Day 221 (Week 32)


14 updates

23 photos

Day: 221


It’s only been two weeks since the last update. It’s starting to slowly but surely take route in the airport. Will keep it watered and make sure it is around a lot of light and I’ll follow back up within a month.

a month ago

Day: 208

Checked on the plant today watered it so far it seems like it’s taken root and I guess this is gonna be a slow grow 

a month ago

Day: 189

Don’t worry I watered it right after. I came to visit my mom and noticed the plant is starting to take root. I’m excited to see what happens in the next few months. Will continue to monitor This marks 91 days since sprout. Not including the germination

2 months ago

Day: 170

It’s been 20 days since my last update and I’ve added more soil around the stem so it doesn’t get accidentally pulled from the rapid rooter/block. But over all I think it’s starting to take root very well.

3 months ago

Day: 151


We lost power due to the hurricane. After 2 days of the plant being in a hot, humid house. I decided it was time to plant it in an air pruning pot + Fox Farms + Perlite. Hope I’m doing the right thing after my doing my research about soil. So for right now it’s at mom’s where she’s got a green thumb and I’ll report back in a few weeks

3 months ago

Day: 142

Did some research on soil. Think I got a good grasp on the topic. So the soil should be in on Tuesday (7/9) The plan is to get the air pruning pot, plant the tree in the post w/the organic soil I’m planning to make along mycorrhizae fungus & mushroom compost. And hope for the best. Will follow up in a week or 2

3 months ago

Day: 132

It’s only been a week and this Japanese Black Pine is shooting up like a weed! The GA3 acid is working. And I noticed the roots in the block are not growing horizontal but vertical. Which might be a good sign to put it in soil? And have it start growing. Not sure how big of a pot I should use. But will do some research on it. Any suggestions are welcomed as well.

4 months ago

Day: 126

So far so good. There’s one root coming out the bottom but want more root permeating the cube. Before moving to some soil with a nice food web. 1 container out of 2 I have of the other seeds are back in the fridge in the garage

4 months ago


jamiespotstand I only post my medicinal plants but I love that you’re putting this on here. I’ll go back and look at this journal!


BitchWhatsThatSmell Thank you! I’m still trying my best to master soil. I’m only used to hydroponics. And this is a huge learning curve for me. I’m cycling the other seeds to expose them cold temps for 30 days and then bring them out to warm temps to hope that the others germinate. Just proud that the gibberelic acid worked!

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Day: 117

It’s starting to get a good foundation going. I need to take it out the humidity dome and get some air moving to strengthen the stalk. The others are not germinating. They’ll be given 2 more weeks before I repeat the process by putting them in the fridge for a month and back out for a month to see if something happens.

4 months ago

Day: 113

Carefully took the seed husk/shell off with forceps/tweezers and left it undisturbed and came back to this. Waiting for it to establish more roots so it can be moved to a different post. If the other seeds have not germinated in another 6 weeks then I’ll repeat the cold stratification then. But so far I’m proud of the results yielded from this one seed.

4 months ago

Day: 107

Since the seed coat is stuck on the seedling I tried a different approach rather than pulling it off. Instead I used a pipette and dropped RO H2O and it actually stayed on the seed. So we’ll see if the leaves can get out.

5 months ago


@eaegifts I had to hit google to figure out what plants you got here lol, very nice 👍🏾


BitchWhatsThatSmell Thank you! I wanted to try and push myself with deciduous tree seeds and get out of my comfort zone to learn soil and little bit better over hydroponics for now before I start growing my usual strain run.


@eaegifts That’s great, it’s always nice to dip your toes in and learn something new

Day: 98

This seems to be going well one of the JP Black Pine seeds sprouted. Transplanted in a rapid rooter and root block.

5 months ago

Day: 93

Moved these from the fridge to their warmer germination place, to start the warm stratification process. Have the the sand moist, not wet with the a humidity dome. And heat mat set at 77F.

5 months ago

Day: 0

Always had a hard time germinating woody trees seeds so I’m doing this experiement to see what would happen if Gibberellic Acid 90% was used. Wanted to see the effects on germination and growth. (Will it speed up or slow down germination?) - Scarified the seeds w/sand paper. - Soaked in diluted GA3 solution @ 50% strength based off the solution chart. (For 24 hours) - And used sand in baggies and put in the fridge. We’ll see how long it will take and I made sure the corner of the bags were open so they could get oxygen. And that the sand is moist but not wet! We’ll see what happens in 3 months, give or take.

8 months ago