

First grow Mar 2021

4 seeds

Started with dollar store seed starting soil. Hydro Mars 1000w led. 6in in-line fan with carbon filter. Happy frog soil with dr.earth dry amendments 4-4-4 all purpose 2-8-4 bud and bloom . 3x3x6 tent

Bag seeds unknown

Day 31 (Week 5)

17 updates

79 photos

Day: 31

Just watered...got a little on the leaves seed 2 and 3 have emerged waiting on them to open will take husk off in a day or so

4 years ago

Day: 29

Germinated 2 more seed tap root 3/4” long dropped in soil today.. 3 node coming in well

4 years ago


h11ywdsmokin Using humidity dome

Day: 28

Growing fine working on 3rd node 2 more seeds germinating puttin in soil I a day or so using happy soil and dr.earth dry amendments

4 years ago

Day: 26


Growing.... fixed the light issue

4 years ago


squirtle Best of luck I am on my first grow as well but I chose autos so now I get stunt city 🤓😹


h11ywdsmokin Idk if I have auto or photo just trying to learn as much as possible


squirtle Yeah it’s a lot I have done so much reading but still find myself making newb moves but the learning curve is fun and can still be rewarding with mistakes happy growing! 🥂😇🥳

Day: 24


Down to only one plant but growth seems constant now and steady.

4 years ago


Leo1simba Hey what’s your light set at ? Try raising it as high as possible in your tent and dimming it to about 35%. My girls were getting burned until I did this


h11ywdsmokin Water only when pot dries out not feeding nutrients in happyfrog soil with dr earth veg and all purpose dry amendments (only watering), light is at 24” marshydro ts1000 75% temp 20c-28c 65%Rh


Leo1simba Try raising and dimming your light . Mine had heat burn like yours and pulled through

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Day: 21

Plant one working on first node site plant 2 and 3 I’m not to sure if they are alive or been burned alive getting two more seeds to replace them

4 years ago

Day: 19


Got too hot in the tent one day today and I guess this is the results one still vibrant green

4 years ago


davehall63 Keep that humidity level at 60-80% during seedling stage and you’ll be surprised of how healthy those plants are in 3 weeks!!

Day: 16

Transplanted turned light all the way up... praying for the best!! Thanks for the tips guys.

4 years ago

Day: 15

Help!! Not understanding why cotelydon is starting to yellow on tip and why plants in leaning so hard going to give support just need answers.. been only watering when soil dry... is it time to transfer to organic soil????

4 years ago


chronicman007 Have you been checking pH of water before using it?


ChasingTerps Try not to overwater seedlings .


h11ywdsmokin Yes ph 6.4-6.5

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Day: 14


Ph6.5 Water after I get home from work.. letting the pod dry throughout day

4 years ago

Day: 12


Just watered 6.4ph. Grow grow grow girls!!

4 years ago

Day: 11


Kept the humidity dome off today

4 years ago


SheCallsMeMars Nice! Wish you the best, I’m on day 11 also, but no fancy stuff just one seed and a cheap led light, excited to see your progress 👍

Day: 10


Plant 3 first true leaves coining in nice. Plant 2 is getting taller plant 1 is also trying to gain height. Keeping peat pots moist have 2 humidifiers just to keep it stable.. this is an attic grow..

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Let the peat cups dry out - this will make the roots drive into soil and search for moisture - plus it will stress the plant a little which is okay - too much water and roots will not develop as fast and could possibly drown plant


h11ywdsmokin Cups dry out while I’m at work I remount when I get home

Day: 9


Slow growth but all are doing well plant 3 is growing the fastest. Last pic is the soil they are in now. Any tips and trick are welcomed!

4 years ago

Day: 8

Keeping peat pots moist. Really dialing in the environment with new tent. Any tip would be greatly appreciated!

4 years ago


h11ywdsmokin Plant 4 never sprouted down to 3 plants.

Day: 7


Update plant 1 straighten up plant 2 still going strong plant 3 caught up to 1 and 2 plant 4 no sign of life Light is set to 24” away marshydro ts1000 set to about 50% Is this too far away?? Any tips would be gladly appreciated.

4 years ago

twoXfour Make sure to keep your peat pots sides moist so they soften up and the roots can escape out of them, once you see your roots starting to come out you can transplant into a new ocntainer


h11ywdsmokin Ok. Will do, thanks for the tip!

Day: 5


1 green 2 red 3 yellow 4 blue... plant 1 and 2 was planted a day before 3 and 4...

4 years ago