Mephisto Forgotten Cookies autoflower.
Forgotten Cookies 3 Gal airpot
A forgotten Cookies from Mephisto Genetics. I started off by letting the seed soak in a shot glass of Phd water of 6.4 for 18 hours, seed finally sunk and began to crack open, planted the seed in a 16oz solo cup of FF Happy frog soil using this instatransplant method I read in a forum on ( pictures below ) will just continue to use PhD tap water in a spray bottle while I leave here in the solo cup for about 10 days. I’ll then transplant her to my 3 Gal Air-Pot with happy frog soil as well using this “stress free transplant method” which actually seems pretty fool proof to me. You just sit the entire solo cup in the soil and let the roots grow through the windows on the cup, no pulling the plant out of the smaller pot or cutting the cup getting dirt everywhere. Simply just plant the cup into the soil. She will be under 2x 300w LEDs in my 32x32x65 tent with a 6 inch carbon filter and inline fan. With 2 more small desk fans as well. I’ll be using the fox farm trio Nutrients, grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom. Also Botanicare Calmag and GH ph up and down. Here she is on day 1 trying to shed her seed shell.
Forgotten Cookies autoflower
Day 85 (Week 13)
21 updates
55 photos
Day: 85
Sorry for the late update, harvested a couple days ago. Nugs have been in brown paper bags drying out, then they’ll go into the mason jar for a week or so. Got 56gs wet so probably around 10 grams or so dry I’d say. Bud looks pretty potent, it’ll be nice to have some quality trees to smoke on since I’ve smoked nothing but sugar wax and shatter for the past 3 months lol. Will update with dried and cured pictures as well as a smoke review. ✌️💨
5 years ago
Day: 81
Gonna flush her real good, even tho I only used nutes half of the grow ( around like 30 days or so ) so I don’t think it should take much. Then chop her down this thursday. She’s done for sure. Leaves are yellowing and curling also the main cola has stopped growing. I’m happy with it even tho it was a small yield. Maybe I should try micro growing next time lol. No but seriously, my next run will be in a different medium more than likely canna coco, some more mephisto and possibly other genetics. Gonna go for 4 plants next time. Will upload harvest pics and wet weight Thursday.
5 years ago
Day: 70
Ima prolly let her go until like day 84 depending on how she looks from now till then. Super strong cookie and lemon smell coming off of her, noticed a fair amount of pistils turning orange.
5 years ago
Day: 66
Fed with just ph’d water this last feeding. Tips of the leaves got a little crisp so I decided to skip nutes for 1 feeding. The main cola is developing nicely, super dank cookie and some lemon smell as well I can tell this will be some potent smoke. Lots of trichomes already. Hoping the smaller buds get atleast a little bit bigger, defoliate some of the smaller leaves that weren’t getting any light or were dying, took off 1 of the bigger fan leaves as well. I’ll go back to feeding bloom nutes next time I water.
5 years ago
Day: 61
Not much longer now. These autoflower genetics are pretty spot on with the timing. The small plant was due to my lack of experience, the buds are coming in dense and frosty despite the small yield I’ll get. Got all of the branches tied down to where they are all even and level except for the main cola. Been feeding 2mls of FF big bloom and 1.5mls of FF tiger bloom per 1 gallon of PhD tap water. Coming out at 6.5 every feeding. Been watering with 2 liters of water every 3 days or so. The entire plant is about 13 inches tall I just had her tied down pretty good there for awhile. The top of the main cola is 17 inches from the light, the rest of the canopy is about 20 inches at the moment I’m hoping those branches will shoot up maybe 1 1/2 inches. Will keep updated.
5 years ago
Day: 56
Really small. Starting flower. Hoping for 10-14 grams.
5 years ago
Day: 47
Here’s an updated pic of her. Super small but oh well, my last plant was really really small but still put out 21 grams of fire bud. This ones by far bigger than my last but I have a feeling she’ll finish sooner. We shall see. Started giving 1.5mls of veg nutes per gallon of water about 4 days ago. Watered with a liter and a half.
5 years ago
Day: 37
Update. Been watering with 1 liter of Ph’d water 6.4. Haven’t started nutes yet, leaves are dark so I feel like there’s enough in the soil. Slight burn on the lower leaf, guess from the soil. I will probably start with 1.5mls of FF grow big per 1 gallon of water, after a couple more waterings. Pistils are coming up nice, seems to have started recovering from whatever stunted here, inside branches are growing fast now. Tied her down completely for the very last time for awhile, atleast until the branches are strong enough for me to tie down, I’d say another week and a half.
5 years ago
Day: 32
I’m hoping for the growth to start taking off at this point, got a couple white pistils.
5 years ago
Day: 29
Lil update. Moved the pipe cleaner up a couple inches towards the top. Bent her some more lol. I know I’m new but once I find out some more training techniques I think I’ll have a lot of fun with LST.
5 years ago
Day: 27
She’s bent at a pretty decent angle now. Maybe stunted a little from the unknown yellowing that seems to be spreading from the 1st set of leaves upward. Strikes again. Can’t wait to try a new medium. Other than that she’s still going strong. Stalk is rough and thick.
5 years ago
Day: 24
Here’s day 24, I feel like she’s super small but oh well lol. On her 5th set of leaves, she looks 10x better than any other plant I’ve grown thus far though. Will start a little more LST prolly today or tomorrow it’s just hard to get the pipe cleaner between the nodes, they’re literally so close to each other. I don’t want to damage any of the branches lol.
5 years ago
Day: 18
I guess you could say she’s looking pretty good. I’m happy with the size. Working on the 4th set of leaves now. And smaller branches are starting to form between the nodes
5 years ago
Day: 15
Just passing the 2 week mark. I guess she’s average size for her age, I don’t really know. Been tryna find some forgotten cookies journals, smoking on some AlienOG sugar wax. I see something sticking out in between where the first set of leaves started, could she be showing sex already at day 15?
5 years ago
Day: 13
Her growth is pretty fast. Noticeable changes everyday
5 years ago
Day: 10
Here she is a day after transplant.
5 years ago
Day: 9
Transplanted her this morning since I’ll be harvesting my Northern lights tonight. I’ve put some pictures of how I learned to do it, only difference is I cut the bottom of my solo cup out, seemed to make more sense to me for the roots to shoot down as well. Watered with around 400mls of PhD water.
5 years ago
Day: 8
Will be transplanting on day 10. Looks good to me. Lmk what you guys think. Still been using the spray bottle. I’ll upload some pictures in a couple days of how I do my transplant.
5 years ago
Day: 5
Been hitting her with a spray bottle of ph’d water whenever the soil starts getting dry. I’ve just been pulling the cup out and checking the soil all the way through the cup, spraying the windows essentially watering from the bottom of the container. I do keep the top layer moist as well. I read somewhere though that it’s a good idea to weigh the cup with your soil before you’ve planted the seed or added water to see the dry weight of the container, then weigh it after you’ve soaked the soil. That way you’ll just be able to weigh the cup to see when it needs watering, preventing over and underwatering. Seems to make sense to me and I’ll definitely be doing it next go around, just slipped my mind this time.
5 years ago
Day: 2
6 years ago
Day: 1
Popped out of soil about an inch. Still trying to shed her seed shell. There’s also 4 drain holes on the bottom of the solo cup shes planted in
6 years ago