Filthy Hobbits
Random Bagseeds
Couple of random bag seeds
Day 13 (Week 2)
3 updates
4 photos
Day: 13

Selected the best of the filthy hobbits and moved it to a space bucket as a trial run before winter hits. Seems to be happy so far. Slight leaf burn from light being too close but this was remedied.
5 years ago
Jaffar4523 The rest of my filthy hobbits are outdoors and doing well, but not as much growth as my space bucket grow as is obvious.
Day: 4

My filthy hobbits are looking happy so far. Some staggered growth patterns, but most look good. Will be divided and moved to larger pots once a little bigger. Already kid summer so won’t be going with huge pots this year.
5 years ago
Day: 1

Seeds were germinated in a paper towel, which took less than 24 hours. Today planted in Coco Pellets and placed on south facing window sill. They are destined for pots outside, but it is currently far too hot to put these pods outside
5 years ago