RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest

Grand-daddy purp/ sour diesel

Winter grow 2021

Two Grand-daddy purp and one Sour diesel planted in fox farm ocean forest using flora nova nutrients. 4’x4’x80” tent with 300w Mars-hydro tws-2000

Grand-daddy purp and sour diesel from homegrown cannabis Co.

Day 145 (Week 21)

31 updates

80 photos

Day: 145


Day 59 of flower. Everything is On schedule. Still probably 4-5 weeks out.

3 years ago

Day: 139


Day 53 of flower. Getting fed every two days with full nutes. Temps are alil high but should be fine. Stays around 80 degrees in the tent even with ac blowing in but I’m working on cooling it down and getting it into the 60.I still have a ways to go from what I can see. I’ll update in a week or two

3 years ago


SideShow982 Yo bro I am from tha 804. I took a 4”duct n ran it straight to the vent to pump cool air right in I keep my house at like 68f. I am going to buy a portable ac unit today.


Crunch Looking great 👍

Day: 125

Day 39 of flower and looking. I need to do a slight defoliation just to get more light through the canopy. Still watering with nutes every 2 times, the third watering is pure water. These plants look like they will start beefing the buds up in the next couple weeks.

3 years ago

Day: 103

Broke the nets out today and they are looking good! Only week 2-3 into flower.watered with nutrients today.

3 years ago

Day: 96

Life got in the way and I haven’t reported much lately. I have stuck to my schedule and they started to show pre flower signs so I decided to flip to flower 10 days ago. They are starting to stretch and then nets will have to come out soon. I pull around 8 clones form these plants and trying for the first time. I am getting slight success and will have to transplant these babies soon. They will most likely be the next grow for the 4x8 tent.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 🔥🔥🔥

Day: 78


Gave them some general hydroponic trio kit with like medium veg mixture and they loved it. I’ve got the environment dialed in and these babies are booming. By next week they will definitely show major growth. I am also going to trim alil bit of the upper side near the soil just to make life easier for me. I have a clone kit on order now and will most likely taking clones from these plants and possibly mothering one of them long term.

3 years ago

Day: 75

I watered all the plants lightly and will most likely need to water tomorrow. I plan on using either flora nova nutes or the general hydroponics 3 bottle kit. I will sleep on it and decide in the morning.

3 years ago


Caliban What is your media?


HammertimeAZ I use the GH products and love them!


Caliban Looking great

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Day: 72


I fucked up… while watering my plants I moved one plant out of the way for a couple mins to water the back plants. I started to smell something and then noticed I had place the plant next to the heater and it had kicked on while I had the tent open and literally burnt half the plant.:( I since have cut all the dead parts off and LST her to spread out again. The other two plants look amazing and are growing just fine. I’m debating on defoliating a little bit but idk. Also debating on taking one plant and lollipop it. Unsure. For now I’ll keep vegging. I am determined to fill this tent.

3 years ago


HammertimeAZ Your other two plants look beautiful! I would do whatever you feel like with the burnt plant because you’ve got nothing to lose.

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest I trimmed up the bottom leaves and branches and did alil more lst and she’s doing good now 👍.

Day: 65

About 1.5 gallons of water between all three of fresh water. Next watering will be with nutrients.I did decide to top one of the granddaddy purple plant again.

3 years ago

Day: 63

Just growing…. Water in a day or two. I may add some nutes again. Just worried they won’t take it

3 years ago

Day: 61


At the 2 month mark and they aren’t doing to bad. They had a kinda stressful beginning thanks to me but they are coming around. I tied down the sour diesel toward the good side so the burn side was facing down. I also tied the to tops of the granddaddy purple to allow them to bush out some. I watered last night and really need to get some water trays cuz I make a mess every time with these fabric pots. Overall going well but I will definitely veg these out way longer.

3 years ago

Day: 57


So adding nutes that strong with new soil was a bad idea and burned the sour diesel. It has stopped spreading with a flush and the other two don’t show little to any burns. I will go back to 1/2 tsp per gallon on next watering and then just fresh water for the next two waterings. Side note my plant is growing a plant.lol and other two pots are on another journal log.

3 years ago

Day: 55

They have all recovered in full and are doing great. I did a watering and feeding today with 1 tsp of nutrients per gallon. They are getting a little dense so I may pull a couple fan leave for new growth to grow. So far so good NOTE: don’t mind the 2x4 spacers. My pot risers are on order.

3 years ago

Day: 51

Cut off one head and two more will grow in its place!! HAIL HYDRA!

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Love how that happens 👍👍👍😎


lation1984 Glad fox farm n added nutrients are t bur ing they look so nice


lation1984 Arent buring

Day: 47

They are moving slow for their age but everything seems to be leveled back out now and new growth looking healthy. I decided to top them all at around the 6th node. I also decided to crank the light to 100%.

3 years ago

Day: 44

Definitely recovering but still see some signs of deficiency. I’ll keep a close eye on them and should water tomorrow with nutrients

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin New growth looks healthy bro she’s making a come back

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest Yeah not liking the yellow tips on the new growth but happy with the recovery

Day: 41

I transplanted the girls today into their 5 gallon pots which will definitely help with growth. They have been struggling the past week and a half with what seems to be a potassium deficiency. So I trimmed the dead leaves and planted into these fabric pots. I mixed 1 bag of ocean forest with 1 small bag of worm casting for the soil to help veg these plants out. The roots seemed healthy so I did a light pruning and placed them on the pots.I’ll give them a feeding or two with straight water to let them recover from the stress but after that I will start with full nutrients to crank these plants up.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 Interested to see how the granddaddy purple does. I just started some seeds 6 days ago from ilgm


Oklagrowmie You have been over watering my friend.


MrStopPlayin Nice she will recover

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Day: 28

We have full recovery of all plants and are getting closer and closer to transplant and topping.

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Just a suggestion but u may wanna lower your rh a little and increase your air movement

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest Really? The Rh in the tent is averaging 52-55% and temps of 73-78F. I have a 6” fan blowing towards the plants. I am going to get a vornato fan to put in there when they start getting bigger.

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Usually when leafs get that wide and stay sharp the rh is high. It’s probably just genetics 🤷🏾

Day: 26

So I have been struggling the last few days with the leaves curling and stiffening up. I assumed it was overwatered which it possibly was. But since then I didn’t see any change in 24hrs. I decided it must be light stress so I raised the light up and turned it down to 50%. They have reacted positively and I believe I’m back on track. I will be transplanting this afternoon or tomorrow.

3 years ago

Day: 22

We had an issue yesterday with the girls and it seems to have been caused by over watering.:/ they started to droop over and the leaves became firm to the touch. It may have been caused by light stress as well but both have been corrected hopefully by waiting another day for water and I have now raised the light up just about all the way up in the tent to get them to stretch. I am also going to increase the temp in the room to around 80F and I’m sure they will love it. I also have noticed some roots starting to peak out the bottom of the pots so a transplant will be coming in the next couple of days. Maybe sooner…

3 years ago

Day: 21

Just pictures no update. Will probably go another day until I water again.

3 years ago

emd555 I’m doing this next run!

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest I really like this setup it’s been really good for me and these strains are one of my favorites. They turn out very nicely.

emd555 Are they autos or photos?

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Day: 19

Temps are a little low but 74F isn’t terrible. But I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a couple 80F days. Humidity is 51% and they love it. Will consider a quick flip on these but haven’t decided. Meaning flip to flower at 30 days and get to harvest quickly. On the other hand I could veg them out and go for big yields over longer time. Decisions decisions….

3 years ago

Day: 18

Everything is going smoothly temps at 76F and 51% Rh. They have the 4th node growing in now and I will prolly raise the light tomorrow to get them to stretch out before thinking about topping at the 5th node. I will water with nutrients in the A.M.

3 years ago

Day: 16

Humidity is up to 54% now and the girls love it! The humidifier is working great but reminder to fill it every day because it ran out half way through the day.luckily this one cuts off and send you a notification that it’s empty. Other than that smooth sailing.

3 years ago

Day: 15


Put the humidifier in today and set it to cut off at 60% rh and has already brought the room the 36% the room in less then 10mins. temp hold good at around 75F even tho it’s 30F at night. Everybody is looking health and loving the light and nutrients. I may not have to water tomorrow depending on humidity.

3 years ago

Day: 14

Watered with 1/2tbs per gallon floranova grow nutrients. They are growing nicely now and doubleing size each night now. We should see nice growth this week. Lights are steady on high @ 21”. Temps are holding and humidity is stuck at 20%. Humidifier came in but haven’t set it up yet. P.S: don’t mind the cannabonsai.:)

3 years ago

Day: 13

Leaves up praying! 🙌

3 years ago

Day: 11

No change just growing. Humidity came up to 34% and temps are holding strong around 73-75F

3 years ago


gayla_d Dope. If you can, try to get your humidity up higher to about 50-60%. They’ll love that

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest Humidifier is getting installed tonight and set to 60-62% they will boom in growth this week. Check back in 7 days.

Day: 10

Watered with nutrient mixed water today. 1/2tbs per gallon mix of flora nova. Noticed a bit of yellow on the tips and could either be by caused by light burn or nutrient burn.I will keep a close eye on them to make sure to back off of nutrients.

3 years ago

Day: 8

Watered with fresh water today with very little run off due to extremely low humidity @ 17%. Humidifier is otw. Temps look good between 68-84 F.

3 years ago

kylebasler yeah bro raise that humidity, my average RH rn in seedling is 69%

RVA Green harvest

RVA Green harvest Yeah Im in VA and temps are all over the place atm. Humidifier is getting installed tonight.

Day: 7

Transplanted these girls from the jiffy peat pellets into small 4”-5” pots with fox farm ocean forest and watered lightly with 1/2tbs per gallon of flora nova grow nutrients.

3 years ago