
Super silver haze

First grow

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Day 95 (Week 14)

4 updates

8 photos

Day: 95


Has beautiful fat nugs , size of golf balls and had to use bamboo sticks cause I found two stems/buds laying on the ground. Gave a flush yesterday and plan on cutting her down within the next week.

4 years ago

Day: 81


Switched one to 12/12 3 weeks before the other 9 plants just to be ahead on one and see how the outcome would be earlier on. Looking frosty as ever and has atleast 6 more weeks left . Just recently flipped the tent a week ago and getting bud sites. Will update later on tonight when lights turn on. 3 months veg on everything and tried lollipopping the best I could so let’s hope for huge buds

4 years ago

Day: 46

Have 9 total. I’ve let 3 grow normal with min lst , mostly just moving branches to get light. I’ve been mainlining one and it’s slowly growing . I also topped one and removed the lower growth and it’s growing beautiful and fast. I’ve also topped one 3 times for a total of 4 cola if correct, she’s growing great and fast. I’ve supper cropped one and it’s super bushy and repairing from it rn but they’ve come up and strong for just a night. Plan on switching to flower once the blue mystics are done 11-12 weeks hopefully In veg

4 years ago

Day: 0

Little bleaching on leaves , using a 2000watt yehsence led light . Was at 47” and raised to 52” mid day . I’ve been keeping them mildly watered but this morning I fed them very small amount of nutrients (general hydroponics trio) . Super silvers are in 5g pots

4 years ago